Saturday, January 30, 2021

Moon ~ Weekend Work

Kingsley is an early riser, and when I took the dogs out I snapped some photos of the moon yesterday morning.

After hearing suggestions to put the website on my scrubbie packaging, I came up with an idea.  I have address labels.  I'll print the contact info on them and slap them on the backside of the cardstock.

It's another weekend of working on the hallway.  We are praying for no interruptions this weekend.  We'd like a full weekend to finish up as much as we can.

We will have to split wood, because we need restocked before the snow storm rolls in too.

I already have 3 more purge areas to dive into next.  One being a top shelf in a kitchen cupboard.  Two is back to the utility room, and three is the entryway from hallway to garage (I still have a tote of goat milking stuff in there).

Ideas for revitalizing and energizing yourself:
6. Make use of helping professions
7. Keep track of our lonely periods
8. Find out what is controllable in your life
9. Be honest with yourself
10. Read about human growth.



  1. Your Moon photos are pretty Kristina! And I love your tips on re-energizing. I can certainly use that these days.

  2. Too much overcast and rain here to see the moon. So far, we've only gone through 2 cords of wood of the 6 we brought up close to the house. Still got about another six that we can hand split at the ready, but don't think we'll need that until next year.

  3. Thinking of you and hoping that you had no interupptions and the floor is done. Great idea about details on the back of your toppers.


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