Friday, November 6, 2020

What a year....

What's been going on here?  Well, I realized when I was short of one box, I could go online and order them for free from the USPS.  It's been shipped, but my books have not arrived.

Dirtiest election year ever.  With so much uncertainty for our country, there could be the possibility of my husband losing his job (as well as many other Americans).

There is voter fraud.  It's real.  Friends of my best friend (of many many years who I email every single day) went to vote.  The wife was told she could not vote, because she had already voted.  She said "no I didn't vote."  She had to verify that the ballot that was mailed in was not her signature.  

Haven't started on the bathroom renovation.  My husband has had no time and also no motivation.  He's been working 10 hour days and more overtime is possible next week as well.

No word on the car.  I think my husband has been too busy to even think about calling about it.

Chainsaw parts are delayed, but a friend is loaning us a chainsaw for now (husband just has to go pick it up).

I made headway on my daughter's cardigan while watching the news, but had to turn it off.  I couldn't take anymore of it.

I started to put together a new crochet set to sell.  Made a list of items people requested, and the first things that need restocked.

I've been mentally exhausted by dinner time, so I switched up the dinner last night and made a one dish baked casserole with asparagus in it.  Forgot to take a photo.

I made a batch of Einkorn flour peanut butter cookies.  It was just what we needed at the end of the day.


  1. Marleen, I took hope that next week is better. The cookies are very good, but it's hard to find the flour. Higher in protein and so good.

  2. BIG TIME shenanigans going on. I've turned off all incoming noise. Working on crafts and enjoying the weather. Focusing on things which bring joy. Can't do much about anything else. I love PB Cookies, and you make them as I do with the criss cross, the way my mom did. I do make them for Christmas with the kiss. Fraud is Fraud, it knows no color, no political affiliation...WRONG IS WRONG anyway you slice it.

  3. PB Cookies are my favorite :-) How did you know (heehee)
    Blessings to you~

  4. Faith, I am doing the exact thing you are. I am focusing on what makes me happy. Hence the cookies lol! Yes, fraud is fraud.

  5. Lady Locust, sending you a virtual peanut butter cookie ha ha!

  6. Yup, you're mentally tired when Einkorn flour is typed Einkorn flower. LOL But they look fantastic.

    Don't get me started on the election. They said that computerize voting was the safest. Now, they have found a virus that was changing votes. Dirtiest doesn't even come close to describing this election.

  7. Bwahahahaha! Cockeyed Jo, I didn't even see that. He he! Oh boy...


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