Thursday, November 5, 2020

This and That

I totally forgot about the tomato stakes until I was loading wood to the porch.  I hauled the cart out there, filled 'er up and put them away for the winter. 

I then hauled the cart to the house, and filled it with dead hanging potted flowers etc.  Those were dumped and porch is bit more cleaned off for winter.

King had a seizure last night that lasted 3 minutes.  I will have to watch the dogs very carefully today.  No rough-housing.  Poor pup.  We believe he ate something poisoned when that daughter lived in the apt.  There were people putting out food to entice loose dogs to get poisoned.  He never had seizures until after he got out loose at the apt.


  1. Poor thing such a shame. Hope he recovers quickly.

  2. Thank you mamasmercantile. He is doing good for now. I see my font changed again after I posted. Grr.

  3. People, animal-hating people, are horrible. We had our outside cat, Oreo, killed a year ago with rat poison that none of the neighbors would admit to... do you think they would? Had a neighbor across the street who just moved out this past summer say they had rats in the house - had fruit left out eaten! Yekk, to think they were roaming around the house when you were asleep!

  4. Mother Em, it is terrible that people do that. One year, someone did it to roaming cats in a nearby town and was arrested.


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