Saturday, November 14, 2020

Trying to hang on to sanity . . .

Yesterday I was just trying to hang onto my sanity during these times we are dealing with.  There has been a lot going on here, and last night came home 7pm-ish so so tired.  

Of course people are panic buying, so trying to simply get something we needed was not easy.  I heard the nearest Costco had a line around the building yesterday and my friend who only had 2 rolls of toilet paper at home, bought the last pack of toilet paper the store had.  The Gov. is shutting more businesses down around various locations of our state now.

Due to having to sit in the car for hours at a time yesterday, I gained on the crocheted cardigan for one daughter.

Woke up to freezing cold house and fire out.  We were all so tired that we slept through the last stoking of the fire. 

I spent a lot of time driving our 21 year-old's car.  Had to share photos of how she blinged up her vehicle, ha ha!

Oh, heard back on the car.  He found out it needed one more repair and once that is done it'll be picked up.  Hopefully soon.



  1. Your daughter's bling is cute! :)

  2. That bling is a hoot! And people are weird (Sorry but they really are.) It was probably nice to get some crocheting done though 🧶

  3. don't be stressed Kristina. You have food around you've preserved, you can cook and bake, and make meals out of a few ingredients. Relax. Shut off our Governor and all the others, they WANT us to live in fear, it's easier to control us then. The holidays are coming up, enjoy your time with your family at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I AM NOT going to go along with any of this. I will not cancel my life or holidays. They can talk to the hand, and to the ballot box next election. Let them all line up around the block around the world, they should have been preparing for this all the time. Enjoy your crochet time. I'm sewing today I hope, the rest of the fabric is on the way. Hang on, you've got skills you will get buy. Take care please.

  4. I'm sorry you had such a rough day yesterday and hoping today was better. Shades of spring again with the panic buying. We don't have those issues here. Our gov refuses to close the state down again no matter how high the numbers get, but everywhere is demanding masks and social distancing. Everyone learned from the first round to keep things in stock. It's a more organized run on the stores. The one thing that really in short supply is generators. With winter coming on, everyone is concerned about heating and keeping food safe.

  5. We had the same scenario of panic buying prior to our lockdown and shortages of toilet roll became an issue. Thankfully this has now stopped but I do wonder how it will become nearer Christmas. I suspect there will become another round of queues...Hope all goes well with the car repairs.

  6. Lady Locust, it was nice to get some crochet time in.

  7. Thanks Faith, at least the gyms filed a lawsuit so he can't shut them down again. Restaurants and bars should do the same, because he is trying to kill the economy and lying to us about the virus.

  8. Cockeyed Jo, we've had a generator on our wish list for a while now. I really think we need to invest in one. The wind last night and predicted outages sort of brought that to my attention. Our Gov is trying to kill the economy and has been from the beginning. He is pure evil.

  9. Thank you mamasmercantile. I may be getting my car finally back next week.


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