Thursday, November 12, 2020

Frozen Cucumbers Update ~ Breakfast and other tidbits


Picture of the moon this morning.  I was up at 3:45am, because I had no body heat to snuggle up with (and because Tiger was also meowing at my bedroom door).  My husband worked midnight shift, and will be working morning day shift today.  Sigh...

I thawed some cucumbers I froze last August, so that's about 4 months in the freezer.  I did not peel them.  When thawed, they are not fresh crisp, but not as soft as a canned pickle. 

 I used them to go in our Tex Mex Macaroni (one dish meal - cold).  It tasted the same as using fresh cucumber. Oh, and when I opened the bag of frozen cucumbers, it smelled amazing, as if I had sliced a fresh one.

A breakfast I made - sweet potatoes, zucchini, red onion (needed to use some up), garlic, oregano, swiss chard and farm fresh eggs.

It was a day to clean up and tidy up.  I needed to do that badly in my bedroom (gulp).  I had crafting supplies all over the place.  No wonder I can't find things, ha ha!

Carpet cleaning resumes today.  I need to get it done before it gets too cold to dry the carpets.  Unless one of the girls are off today.  Then I will be going out to restock some items.

Well, there is a threat of a lockdown for our state (again).  Our Gov. is threatening to close restaurants now.  He's formed agents to do compliance checks regarding mask wearing in all businesses with fines and threat to close them down.  I'm so sick of it.   I am really am.  Truckers are talking about a strike this month.  I don't blame them.  They are our life line and need food on the road.  They are sick of the restrictions more so than all of us in this state.

I'm on my second pot of coffee already this morning and it's 6am as of posting this.  Have a great day!


  1. Yes, we heard about the trucker strike also. I will support them, and I would think anyone who reads your blog, would do the same. Your readers are well supplied between garden canning and being prepared. Those hard working truckers deserve our total support!

  2. I would never have thought to freeze cucumber thank you for the tip. Sorry to hear about additional restrictions been added. Hopefully this will make a big difference quickly and some normality can return.

  3. wyomingheart, one of my cousin's is a trucker and a good friend's husband as well.

  4. mamasmercantile, I didn't think of freezing them either until this year, but for smoothies. I thought they tasted great in the salad.

  5. I find the mask requirement a pain. Mel and I had the virus and recovered. We can't catch it again or infect anyone else after 6 months since we were ill.

  6. Truckers, one of our most valuable essential workers, are our lifeline during this pandemic. With limitations on supplies being imposed now, we need them out there delivering. I have not heard of the strike or their purpose, but we all need to be deligent in mask wearing for our sake as well as others, especially with flu season upon us - 1,800 +/- died today and with family gatherings through upcoming holidays, it will get worse. God Help Us All.

    Sorry for the preach!

  7. Cockeyed Jo, I never thought about that point - having it and still having to wear a mask. Glad you are both okay.


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