Sunday, November 29, 2020

Resourcefulness Tidbits ~ Wood Splitting


The other day I suddenly realized I got my "resourcefulness" from my Dad.  Years ago, he gave me a container of craft supplies from my Grandmother.  Somehow I was the new owner of a bag of medicine cups. I think I should have added some bird seed to that medicine cup.  Anyway,  I think this trait I inherited had something to do with my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot.

I was literally searching through my crafting supplies for a container I kept old keys in.  I caught myself laughing, because I realized how much I don't throw away - container of bottle caps, old jewelry, wine corks etc.  Oh boy.  Stay tuned for some future posts on my S.C.R.A.P. blog.  I have a few up my sleeve right now.

We were back to wood splitting yesterday, but we were delayed with repairs on the splitter.  We finally got some split about 1pm, after a full morning of running our for parts etc.

We are back at it today.  Snow is in the forecast for Monday.


  1. Love the bird feeder ornament. Glad you managed to get the wood split before the snow arrives.

  2. Thanks mamasmercantile, I love making homemade ornaments. Yes, so glad about the wood.

  3. You need to update your S.C.R.A.P.S blog I'm working on prairie point ornaments for gift giving next year. It doesn't hurt to get a jump on it since I've only got to make five dozen ornaments each year. It's a nifty way to use up those off cuts made with sewing projects.

  4. Cockeyed Jo, I'm working on an ornament now, but it's been rough without a vehicle to get the supplies I need to go with the Scraps of fabric I have.

  5. Kristina, I know the feeling of a vehicle loss. For us it's a thirty minute drive to a fabric store other than Walmart. Our Walmart dedicates 1/2 a short row to fabrics. I'm using leftover off cuts from dresses and shirts to do my ornaments with. I base each half dozen ornaments to certain color schemes based on the favorite colors in each family. Luckily, I have a couple of black garbage bags full of scraps to pull from and yarns galore. The only thing I usually run short on is short, plain pins and fabric glue.

  6. Cockeyed Jo, that's funny you mention pins. I use them to roll my netting and secure the rolls until ready to crochet, and run low too.


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