Saturday, November 28, 2020

Depression Era Hanging Lamp and Dad

My Grandma and Grandpa (Dad's parents) lived through the depression.  They were very resourceful people.  Never threw anything away, dug stuff out of trash bins that could be used to rebuild new items to sell (many times lamps).  I am the owner of one my Grandma made using egg cartons.  It still works too.  My Dad gave it to me to use in an apt. many years ago while raising my first 3 kids.

I found this when we cleaned the garage last.  My Dad made it for me many years ago when I had my first house.  It shows his humor as well as resourcefulness.  Best I can figure, it was a key to our shed at the time, and I am sure I lost the key once or twice, so hence he recycled wooden piece in large form, sanded and polished it too.


I went through my photo albums and found these.  It's my Dad, his dad and Mom visiting when I gave birth to my first born child.  Precious moments.


  1. Pictures are worth a thousand words. And bring back such memories. On Thanksgiving evening, we went through some old pictures, something my daughter loves to do. Oh, the memories they jarred in my little brain. Things I hadn't thought of in years and years.

  2. Very precious moments Kristina :) That's a really neat lamp!

  3. Mama Pea, with the internet and cell phones, I have been terrible about getting photos printed. I must get back to it again.

  4. Thanks Rain, it's very pretty when it's on.

  5. That's one thing I do miss about divesting my worldly possession is all the photos. They are now saved to CDs, but I rarely look at them anymore. The originals went to various family members for their keepsake hoarding.

  6. Cockeyed Jo, when I was getting photos developed as the kids were born and grew up, I put the doubles (always bought them that way), into individual scrap books for the kids, so each one had their own when they moved out.

  7. Kristina, GMTA (great minds think alike) I did the same.

  8. Precious moments indeed, ones to hold deep in the heart.
    God bless you and yours.


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