Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sweet Potatoes

I went out and dug up the remaining sweet potatoes.  The results?  We got a total of 21.7# this year.  Carrots, beets and turnips are a complete loss however.  


  1. What a sweet potato! You do so much. Wish I had your knowledge of herbs and, well, so many things. One year I grew just a few sweet potatoes in our little garden. It was fun and they did good.

  2. That's a decent harvest of sweet potatoes! My harvest was a bit larger at 40#, but that'll do us. I'm still cutting and freezing my turnip green until after the first frost, and then I'll dig up the turnips. I'll just put them in a Styrofoam cooler and bury them in the garden. I'll pull them as needed. I'd do the same with cabbages and carrots over the winter.

  3. Good looking sweet potatoes. Too bad about the other veggies :(

  4. Thank you Henny Penny. I was surprised myself.

  5. Cockeye Jo, I was shocked we got that many due to the dry year. I could not save any turnip tops. The bugs got them this year.


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