Monday, October 19, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Over the weekend we got in a motorcycle ride.  We had to put all of our leather on, as it was chilly, but may be the last ride we get this year.

I put together this patriotic set and it sold the same day.  The person who purchased it paid well more than asking, including shipping.  I was overwhelmed with her generosity.  I sent a separate thank you card (homemade), with a personal receipt and note and a granny square patriotic keyfob and chain.  I'm now working on another set as well as other stuff to restock. 

I now have a list of restocking to do.  That was my last homemade card of that kind and granny keyfob's which are great to tuck in as an extra.

We went to town to stock up other supplies, like chicken food.  We don't know what is going to happen, and if no shutdowns happen, at least we have more than enough for winter.  Don't forget to stock up on your oil for your oil lamps.  We now have large containers/totes to stock up cat food/dog food/etc.  I have storage bins to hold 6 bags of chicken feed as well.

Outside Christmas lights are up.  I finally got them up early prior to cold nasty weather arriving.  I'm working on the master bath Christmas decor now.  I'm trying to decide if I want to purchase a new taller tree or use the shorter one I already have.  I'm leaning more on keeping the one I have, because we don't know what will happen to the economy in the next few weeks or even months in our State.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.

The weather . . .

49°/46° Windy, Rain, Cloudy.

How I am feeling this morning. . .

Good.  I actually overslept until 6:30am, but my husband had no breakfast to pack and packed his own lunch.  

On my mind . . .

Oh man.  A lot of stuff right now.  Just trying to plow through one day at a time.  My car is not done yet either.

On the breakfast plate. . .

Sweet potato/egg scramble with dandelion greens, coffee.

Right now I am . . .

Drinking a hot cup of organic coffee, finishing this up and posting.  Looking around the kitchen to decide what will go in the breakfast scramble.

On my reading pile . . .

On today's to-do list . . .

-dehydrate diced onions (stocking up)

-make a breakfast scramble for the week


-clean master bath



-not sure what else since I slept in so late (6:30am is late for me lately)

On my tv . . .

Good Witch

On the menu this week . . .

-sheet pan dinner

-breakfast for dinner, a new recipe to try

-chicken teriyaki over homemade vegetable fried rice or chicken tetrazzini

-soup beans, fried cabbage and buttermilk cornbread

(not in an particular order, and I may even change it as the week goes)

From the camera . . .

Sunrise Sunday morning before the clouds moved in and rain arrived.  

Looking around the house . . .

One kitchen table went from having tomatoes all over it to sweet potatoes.  I'll get them in the bin in a few days.

New recipe I tried last week or want to try . . .

Kamut granola bars.  Remember when I asked if you had recipes using kamut flakes?  Well I found one online.  We also want to try a new recipe for Chicken Tetrazzini.  I think I made something similar to another recipe but used cashews, but I made Rosemary walnuts.  It was on a cooking show, recommending recipes for gifting.  I won't be gifting this year, but want to try it out and put the recipe in my "Christmas" binder.  Be sure to visit my blog to see if we tried them and what we think.

To relax I will . . .

Crochet.  Maybe write (but I get sick of writing about the pandemic already and whatnot).  Maybe read for something different.

Something I want to share . . .

Nothing today.

On my prayer list . . .

My dad (he's scheduled for surgery Nov.11th),  Our state (our Governor is doing everything in is over used power to disrupt the election and to kill our economy).  His mandates and restrictions are out of control and make zero sense.  My family.  If the Governor shuts us down again, I know one that will be out of a job (again), and they are all at risk to get sick with a mask mandate, forcing healthy people to wear them all day at work, then shopping if they need to shop.  The only person I knew recently with the virus wore a mask at work full time. They all look so utterly exhausted, and one moves furniture and another climbs ladders. Our country. 


  1. Will be sending positive thoughts to your dad. Your menu for the week sounds good. Hope your car gets fixed quickly.

    Have a great week

  2. Your sunrise photos are gorgeous! Prayers for dad's surgery and him to have speedy recovery. Hope you have a great week!


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