Wednesday, September 23, 2020

More Canning ~ Tomatoes


I canned another (and the last) batch of hot pepper jelly  I've already had two people say they would buy a jar.  I have 3 hot banana peppers left to freeze, but a bag full of jalapenos.  I'm tempted to give them away ha ha!

I tried a new recipe for dinner last night.  Crockpot Taco Chicken soup.  It was okay, but nothing fantastic (but filled our tummies).  I made buttermilk cornbread to go with it.

Believe it or not, the tomatoes and I have another date with canning.  I'll be checking the remainder I brought in and start freezing some.  I am pretty sure I am getting down to where there is not enough to can anything specific, although I may do a small batch of crushed tomatoes.  I'm just thankful for a good tomato year.

Things are looking so-so in our area.  On a good note, one daughter said that fast food joints in the "Big City" are now opening their lobby area.  On another downside, they are some restaurants shutting down due to someone getting sick or a patron (for deep cleaning).  We are just eating at home and avoiding shopping until needed. 

Okay, I need to take a dog out (he's an early riser) and get cracking on the tomatoes.  I'd like to have some crochet time today.


  1. I searched your blog for a recipe for your Hot Pepper Jelly. Do you have a particular one? Those tomatoes are beautiful!

  2. wyomoingheart, I use this recipe, but I use all hot peppers and leave all the seeds in. It is the only way I can truly make a hot pepper jelly and we love it. I use a mix of habanero, chili, jalapeno, hot banana and hot cherry if I have hot cherry and sometimes add hungarian wax.


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