Monday, September 21, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Woke up Saturday to 42° (feels like 39°F).  I knew it was coming, but man I was not ready.  I do know that it's just for a short time though.  It'll warm up again.  However, we canceled the one and only last camping trip we had booked.  Way to cold to be camping in a pop up (even with a few small heaters in there).

Instead we went on 2 motorcycle rides.  I gifted a hand crocheted blanket to our friend's daughter who had a baby shower over the weekend.  

Keeping my to-do list here to stay on top of things today:

-can hot pepper jelly

-dinner in the crocky (turkey meatballs, chili sauce)

-label more canned jars and put in pantry

-write up grocery list


-refill paprika


-check emails

-get a crochet set up for sale

-there's more but can't think of it until I walk by it or remember

This is probably the most boring homemaker post you'll see.  Just a lot going on here emotionally and physically.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .


How I am feeling . . .


On my mind . . .

My youngest daughter.

On the breakfast plate . . .


On my reading pile . . .


On my TV . . .

Heart of Dixie

On the menu this week . . .

Have no idea.

From the camera . . .

I got nothing.  Sadly.

Looking around the house . . .

I still have tomatoes in my kitchen. 

New recipe I tried last week . . .

We tried a new baked green bell pepper "fry" recipe and it was delicious.  

To relax I will . . .


Something I want to share . . .


On my prayer list . . .

Our youngest daughter, for this Covid to go away so life can resume to normal.


  1. Hope all is well you seemed a little low today. It seems like more restrictions are heading our way so like you I a praying that Covid will soon become a thing of the past.

  2. Nice seeing when somebody on the other end of the planet do the same canning as you :)

  3. Hope things improve for you soon and you are able to relax and enjoy your week.

  4. Sending you lots of hugs and hope things feel better soon.
    Have a great week

  5. Running super late this week - hope you're feeling better and have a GREAT weekend.


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