Monday, August 3, 2020

This and That

A lot has happened in the last few days.  Lots.  So much I need a getaway to clear my head, but that's not happening until later this month.  I got our camping trip booked.  In fact I booked two camping trips.  A third is being looked into as well. 

Friday, Hubby went up to the Big City to get all the title work and license stuff done.  All their computers were down.  Drat!  We have a lot that needs done too.  Gah!  Found out the next day the computers were not really down.  They just said that due to an employee having the virus.  Via a good source, we found this out, and we were told they didn't want to cause panic (hence saying the computers were down).

We have been getting a good amount of rain.  So thankful for that.

I brought in another 3.4# of green/wax beans, 4 bell peppers, 3 cucumbers, and some zucchini.  The zucchini is larger than I'd like, but it's getting grated up for freezing.  

The coop is here.  It took a lot of friends and family to load, trailer it and unload it.  Now we try and squeeze time in to hook up the electric, tweek it a bit, and get it painted.  It will be moved where those trees are behind it.  That's another job - getting rid of the trees that are around a cement slab that was put in years before we moved here for a chicken coop.

My remaining hens are all shook up right now, so I've been trying not to drop their food too fast, as it scares them.   Oh, the coon got my rooster now too.  

I asked before, but what can I used up Kamut flakes with?  Besides granola.  Any ideas would be very helpful.


  1. We went camping every weekend in July & enjoyed it. We do tent camping, load everything on the side by side & do back country camping.

  2. HI Kristina, you sure have had a rough time of it - you and your family I should say. Things can only look up and get better, right? I guess I am an optimist and try to encourage others to be optimistic in their outlook as well. It helps to have that garden produce coming in. That's a cute little building you have there - it's hard to tell how big it is from the photo... maybe you can put your pup in the next one. That will be a nice refuge for your hens. Blasted coons! I am so thankful for my secure coop. Mine is built on a cement slab too, much safer.
    Take Care, Debby

  3. Thanks Debbie. The coop can hold up to 20 hens.


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