Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Apron Time! ~ Sweet Pickle Relish ~ Zucchini All Day!

My husband went back to work yesterday.  It's time to get back to cooking and baking and getting my kitchen in order.

First I had to put away a stack of clean dishes, then it was time to start chopping.

My first batch of sweet pickle relish was canned.  So thankful for the cucumbers and green pepper from the garden.  It was too early to dig up carrots, but they are growing.

Baked a zucchini breakfast casserole with garden zucchini. It was fantastic.  I used one from AllRecipes and used up some zucchini.  So good!

Baked a Chocolate zucchini cake, because we could all use some comfort food right now.  I thought about adding a glaze, but decided against it.  The reviews said it would be a very moist cake, and the glaze would make it softer too.  Boy is it good too.  I swapped out half the oil for home canned applesauce.

Dinner?  Meatballs with home canned hot pepper mustard sauce over quinoa and zucchini/corn off the cob saute.

Brought in 4.6# of jalapenos.  My job this morning - can most of them.  My tomatoes are not even ready yet, so no fresh salsa sadly.

As for the "order" in the kitchen?  I officially dirtied all the dishes in the entire kitchen.  Today is clean up day, because I just plain ran out of time (after I can today).


  1. Busy! Busy! I also made a chocolate zucchini cake - from King Arthur website. Delicious!

  2. Love your reading your blog. How do you get so much done? And in the summer heat! Thank you for sharing your day. Mary Mc

  3. M. Meyers, I'll have to look that recipe up.

  4. Mary Mc, thank you. I chopped all the veggies for the relish early, and while it sat in salt water for 2 hours, I whipped up the breakfast and cake. Then canned and went back out and picked the jalapenos. Not all days are like that, but I need to keep busy for my mindset too.

  5. I enjoyed reading this post and seeing all the ways that you are using your garden produce. The breakfast casserole looks good and the chocolate zucchini cake delicious! I would love the recipe if you are willing to share. I picked a ton of tomatoes yesterday and green peppers this morning. Green beans will be ready soon, but the zucchini here has about played out. I still have several in the fridge that need used though, so, thus far, we've still got plenty. I hope your week is going well. Blessings!

  6. Oh My! I am drooling over that chocolate Zucchini cake!! YUM!

  7. Rebecca, I used this recipe https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/17643/chocolate-zucchini-cake-iii/, but swapped out half of the oil with home canned applesauce.

  8. Thanks, Kristina! Am printing it now and will probably make one tonight! Blessings! <3

  9. Rebecca, you are welcome. The cake was gobbled up here.


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