Monday, August 31, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

I took this photo Sunday morning.  The clouds looked like mountains.  I'm up super early to try and get more cleaning done, as the tomatoes are starting to turn red even more, so that means canning resumes very soon.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I'll link up when she posts.  I have a lot to clean this morning.

The weather outside is . . .
84°F/62° sunny

How I am feeling this morning . . . 
Mad. Mad as a hornet. I'm about to charge my 21 year old rent.  I told her to get all of her stuff out of my living room, for the last 5 days now.  She did not.  Hubby and I moved it all to one of the barns after doing yard work all day long.  Guess what I woke up to at 4am in my living room???  Yep.   I am the maddest most angriest mother on earth right now.  Guess who is going to get her up ASAP and move it to her room herself before she leaves for work?  Oh, this Bear is not letting her take the zen out of my home any longer.  She moved a huge heavy tote of hay back in for her rabbit.  It has no business being in the house in the first place. Lack of respect hurts me the most.  I feel like a rubber band about to snap.

We got the burn pile burned down.  The fire dept. didn't come out and put it out either (they have been doing this to people if the burn is more than 3 feet).  

My step-daughter came out with the grands and they helped weed the rose bed and my herb garden (which needs finished today).  By the way, I have more green onion than I thought, but the thyme, parsley, and cilantro died.  We had so much fun watching the grandkids.  They had a blast with a mud puddle and our sprinkler.  We spoiled them with peanut butter sandwiches and ice cream.

On my mind . . .
Just getting the house in order by tonight.  

On the breakfast plate . . .
A bottle of wine sounds about right.  Kidding.  Probably quick toast and coffee.  

On my reading pile . . .
No time to read or just plain exhausted.  Oh and there is this....ordered books from the library.  They are in and I have no vehicle to pick them up.  Sigh....

On my TV . . .
Heart of Dixie

On the menu . . .
Grilled honey jalapeno chicken, have no idea on sides
-no idea for the rest of the week yet.

From the camera . . .

Looking around the house . . .
The tomatoes are rolling in.  One kitchen table is filled.  I have a list for the day, and the living room is first, and making sure the wood stove is cleaned up for winter.  Oh yeah, we haven't even started to split wood, but it's on the non-canning day weekend days list.

New recipe I tried . . .
Well the lemon zucchini bars were a fail (didn't turn out like the photo, and the family didn't scarf them up which tells me a no-go).  The caramel corn was a hit and I want to make it again.  I have a new recipe I want to try, but need a new pa to try it (needed the pan anyway).  It won't be happening until later mid-week or even later.

To relax I will . . . 
Bwahahaahahahahahaha!  Not happening until Thursday or later.  Maybe.

Something I want to share . . 
Nothing at the moment.

On my prayer list . . .
Us, myself as I know I'm at my exhaustion level again, but will dose up with nettle tea.  Personal requests, and of course our country and for the virus to vanish.


  1. I know how it feels to start the day at exhaustion level from the ones that preceded it.

    Good luck with putting up all those tomatoes - we are spared that problem as ours got Blight! Totally overwhelmed by the apple crop this year though and trying to pick - and give away - as many as possible before we have to pick and store them.

    For your daughter - rent in advance and Black Bags for her "stuff". In the barn or on her bed! I have one returned to the nest and whilst most of the time she's no problem, on occasion she takes to bossing me around and that gets my hackles up!

  2. I started watching Heart of Dixie too. All of the sudden our garden popped out producing all at one time. Whewwww!

  3. Ugh! Adult kids are the worst! They should know better....because we raised them better....we THOUGHT! :) I totally understand the "rubber band about to snap" analogy. I woke up at 3:30, worried about online school starting tomorrow. Our 6 year old granddaughter met very few of the 1st grade readiness markers and was tested for Special Ed. Guess who her special ed teacher is going to be? I am a professionally trained teacher, but secondary level - English and Speech. I'm gonna have to take it waaaaay down....I'm just so ready for our world to return to normal but afraid it won't be our "normal" normal. Hope you get your chores done! I hope to get some sewing done today.

  4. Hope all goes well with sorting things out with your daughter. We have plenty of tomatoes but not one is going red as yet...I am hopeful.

  5. Bovey, she removed all of her stuff but one basket. And a floor fan. I at least got the carpet cleaned. Ugh.

  6. Wildflower Adventures, glad to hear about your garden.

  7. It does hurt when someone you love shows so little expect - hard love is the toughest thing of all (hugs.) I hear you from somewhere on the same brink of exhaustion. Our tomatoes are going bonkers also: it's what I did last night when we returned home and what I will do as soon as ironing is finished sometime after work this evening, and will have more to pick by tomorrow. Prayer going up with your name on it.

  8. M. Meyers, I think she quickly got lazy because we are not charging her rent. But, she is paying for the new engine so she'll have her own car soon hopefully. Hope you get sewing time.

  9. mamasmercantile, the tomatoes are small, but turning red now that it heated back up.

  10. For our homemaker Monday, we pulled everything our kitchen cabinets and cleaned them inside and out.

  11. Sorry for all your stress. Hope you reach an understanding with your daughter soon and some of the stress eases. Beautiful photos! Happy Tuesday.

  12. Cockeyed Jo that project is next for us too.

  13. Yes, sometimes adult kids just don't think as if it were 'their' home.. it's just mom & pops.. so it doesn't matter. I understand completely! You will have to put limits - sorry you have to deal with that.

    Seeems you and the grandkids had a wonderful time :)

    Enjoy your week

  14. Luludou, the grands had a blast in the mud puddle. So funny to watch too.


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