Thursday, July 9, 2020

Shell peas ~ Icing the Chickens

Our shell peas are done for the season.  Sadly, we did not get what we should have due to lack of rain.  

Speaking of lack of rain...everyone is on edge here at the homestead.  Not sure if it's just the heat and drought, or what's going on in the world.  Lots of agitation, anxiety, depression, mood swings, and lack of patience.  I know I am tired of all of it.

I've been icing the chickens.  They are so hot they are panting in this heat.


  1. We are living in such strange times, weird weather and of course this awful pandemic. Testing times for sure.

  2. The heat is hard in everything especially if you live in an area that creatures, two and four legged aren’t used to it.

    On the valley floor where I lived before moving I. ‘06 it was often a month of 110-113 degree days with a low of 75 at 5 in the AM. My daughter used frozen liter water bottles to cool her angora rabbit project. The goats did well with increased water consumption. The chickens enjoyed a large chunk of frozen ice twice a day in their waterer. The Pyrenees are dual coated and that creates a cooling as well as a heating system. They also dug large craters to lie in . Also the Nubians joined in.

    In over twenty years of raising livestock we rarely lost anything or anyone to heat. And it was always poultry usually a chicken.

    Try freezing some kernel corn in water of quart container. They go nuts over it and it helps to cool them as it takes awhile to defrost even on the hottest of days.

  3. mamasmercantile, the heat is keeping me from getting to the store too.

  4. Thanks Goatldi, will do that today. I have some corn yet, so I better get them froze.

  5. I know what you mean about there being an underlying feeling of depression, unease and angst in all of us. Some of it comes out in an undesirable way which makes it even harder to cope. Top that with your oppressive heat and humidity (and lack of adequate rain) and I understand how you must be feeling uncomfortable, to say the least. The weather will break, but who knows how the current social situation is going to go. :o( Hang in there! Try to look for all the positiveness and push the negativity (that we can't do anything about) to the way, way back. Not easy, but we've all gotta keep trying. Hugs.

  6. Isn't this heat something? Watering the little garden, the planters and of course, the bird bath for little creatures.

  7. Full moon and lunar eclipse was the 5th - hopefully things will calm down for you. Have you ever seen where you freeze things like herbs and rose petals in ice and give the block of ice to peck at and try to get at the goodies? I think it also entertains them.

  8. Faith, I've been filling my bird bath too. So dang hot.

  9. Lady Locust, I froze corn cubes and they loved it!


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