Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Drought Conditions ~ Tomatoes ~ Peach Pie ~ Conserving Electricity

We are suffering drought conditions.  No rain, and I'm watering daily to keep the garden from burning up.  Green beans are on, so I must be keeping up with it pretty good.  I have to start really early so the plants can soak it up before the sun burns it dry.  I am concerned about the height of my tomato plants and the growth of our root vegetables.

Tomatoes are starting to come on, but again, plants are short.

I am emptying the dehumidifier 2 times a day, the humidity is that bad as well.

I had peaches that were getting soft, so I whipped up a peach pie before it got too hot.  People are asked to conserve electricity from 2-6pm this week.

Look who stopped long enough for a few very quick photos?  They are not in focus, but I was quick to snap a few while the sprinkler watered the garden(s).

I'm re-doing the menu.  We had taco salad last night.  Too hot to cook.  Egg salad sandwiches sound good too.  What's your go-to meal on a very hot day?


  1. My couple of tomato plants are short, too, but have blossoms on them. We're also in a drought period. Yep, egg salad sandwiches are good when it's too hot to cook. We also rely on big tossed salads (add some cooked meat, cheese and chopped hard boiled eggs), and also cottage cheese with either lots of fruit or raw veggies. Having containers of frozen soup to pull from the freezer to thaw and heat up works, too. We usually get only one or two periods of really hot, humid weather a summer and are in one right now. Blech, takes the stuffin's right outa ya.

  2. Mama Pea, I have a few new recipes to try that are cold. As soon as I get cucumbers and tomatoes I will try them.

  3. We go with smoothies for meals sometimes!

  4. Debby, I totally forgot about cold fruit smoothies.

  5. Salad more often than not with omelette and cheese.


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