Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Purple Blossoms and Lack of Rain

Chives are in full bloom.

Sage is about to bloom.

Comfrey bloom for the first time ever.

Now we are battling the lack of rain.  The ground is almost rock hard due to the temperature getting up to 91°F.


  1. I started some chives from seed. Good Luck with that. Once they get established, if they grow might be ok. Watering the wee garden every day, and the flower seedlings. Thought it would rain today that is what "they" said. Wrong!, Your blooming beauties are doing so well.

  2. My only remaining reminder on my phone at the moment is to get some sage on the dehydrator - it's been there a couple days (oh me oh my.)

  3. In stark contrast we are expecting heavy rainfall and winds up to 60mph. Great looking plants.

  4. Faith, they said yesterday we'd have storms. We got zero. Ugh.

  5. Lady Locust, I need to get sage in my dehydrator soon too.


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