Monday, June 1, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

We just had a cooler weekend, which isn't all that great for most of the garden.  Our temperature Sunday morning was a col 47°F.  We had another cool night last night too.  

Sunday our youngest and last child graduated.   She also has an interview with the salon she was to interview back in March.  It's a "zoom" interview today.   By the way, everyone was taking their masks off after about 5 minutes.  Standing for 1 1/2 hours in line was too hot to wear them.

Business is picking up slowly for me.  I sold a "sunflower" crochet kitchen set, and a scrubbie.  It's been all by word of mouth as I get stuff restocked.  

I tried to hold an online Tupperware party for a lady I promised a party with.  She sadly told me she was forced to quit due to the virus and all it's economic destruction.  She also said she sold off most of her supply, but had some remaining.  She invited me to come and look it over, but never contacted me with a date and time.  I guess she forgot.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . . 
Woke up to 46°F and according to the weather we'll warm up to about 73°F.

How I am feeling this morning . . . 
Tired.  Standing in line for graduation was tough on my back.

On my mind . . .
The garden.  The cooler weather has me only concerned about the green beans.  Time will tell if I have to replant or not.  New rule for our state - plant after May 31st vs. after Mother's Day (always the rule).  

On the breakfast plate . . .
I'll be back to show you.

On my reading pile . . . 
Yet to be determined.  I forgot it's the first of the month.  I'll try and figure this out later today and post another day.

On my TV . . .
Re-watching The Ranch

On the menu . . .
-Chicken Enchiladas, corn
-Have no idea, had a busy weekend and haven't even thought about it.

From the camera . . .
A glimpse at what it was like to stand all through a school, standing in spot for #60 out of 85 students, waiting to go into the gym to watch your kid get her diploma.  By the way, we could not hear anything, as they didn't even speak loud enough, so I feel this was a cheap shot at a graduation for her (this was when we only moved 2 spots, and then everyone starting taking off their masks...we were all 10 feet apart anyway, hence no reason for the masks in the first place).

Looking around the house . . .
Well, we were gone most of the day, so there are dirty dishes that need washed, but we will do a complete clean up on the next rainy day - garden comes first right now.

To relax I will . . .

On my prayer list . . .
This country.


  1. I can remember even as a young child, planting was done after the last frost date, which as an adult I know changes some. But have always planted after May 31st. Which used to be Memorial Day. Anyway, we planted our 3 little tomatoes right before we had that hot spell. It doesn't look like they are growing...we'll see. My garlic is definately growing lovely, we are getting scapes, and my Lavender has blooms. Can't complain.

  2. Hubby & I discussed no planting in garden here in northwest SD until after June 1st. We got hail last night & lucky nothing in the garden seemed to get injured. Graduation here was a parade though town & most all the streets. There was a stage set up outside in front of the school that each graduate walked across to get diploma. The graduation was facebook live, so I watched from home since I didn't have any family graduating.

  3. Sorry graduation was crummy for your daughter! Our school did a pretty unique thing. They had all the kids park out on football field - they laid out the lines so everyone had their place to park. Then one at a time they announced their name over the speaker system and the kid would get out and walk up to the bleachers and across to receive their diploma. We were not there but heard it was pretty cool.

    We had frost Sunday morning! I will be replanting tomatoes today.

  4. Congratulations to your daughter on her graduation and wishing her well with the zoom interview.

  5. I think we're finally past the cool weather here. Now...if we can just get past the wet! DH has a few plants out, but most are still inside waiting for the garden to dry out enough to get in to it. Maybe today. Have a great week, Kristina! And, yes! Praying over our nation! Blessings!

  6. Chicken enchiladas sound good! Congrats to daughter.

  7. Faith, our garlic is already getting scapes too.

  8. Congrats to your daughter on her graduation! Sorry it wasn't the more traditional ceremony and that it didn't go well. Good luck to her on her interview. Hope it warms up for you and that you have a wonderful week!

  9. So much on everyone's mind right now. It's not a wonder when someone forgets something. Is it. I think right now we just need to pray for love and peace like we've never prayed before, because our country is being torn apart.
    Prayers your week ahead is safe.
    God bless and keep you all.

  10. Wildflower Adventures, most schools did a drive thru and we have another one for her career school to do yet.

  11. Debby, I am concerned this coming weekend, but I think we are past the cold weather ( I hope so anyway)

  12. COngratulations on the graduation but what a shame it was at this time. I guess we must take what we are given. I hope you get some relaxing crochet time in!

  13. At least she got her graduation. WTG daughter! What do you like to read? I may have a digital book or three for June LOL.

  14. Thanks Cockeyed Jo, I may be getting an appt at our little library this weekend. I may join their adult book reading program just to do something different. I had plans to enter an item in our fair, but now that our fourth of July fireworks have been postponed until Sept, I don't see our fair operating in August.


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