Saturday, May 16, 2020

Random Tidbits

We started planting flowers yesterday. It rained, so we have more to plant.  We found hanging baskets too, but could use a few more to brighten up the front of the house and porch.

We woke up to fog this morning, and cooler weather due to the storm front coming in down in FL.

Our daughter who is graduating is getting her yearbook made by us.  The school declined the photo I took, saying it was not "professional" and her dog was considered a prop.  She told the school if you don't use the photo, I don't want in the school yearbook.  So sad that she had one more disappointment added to her senior year.

Mom got her hair cut and colored and is a happy gal.  She plans to grocery shop herself soon.

I am still getting new asparagus shoots, so that makes us all happy.

No sign of the raccoon for the last few days, so I hope it moved on.

Not much else going on here right now.  Sales for my "farm" store have been zero since last early March.  Farmer's markets are still going on, so I may join up and sell at least once if they are allowing more than food.  I haven't been making much due to the lack of need either.

For fun, we've been playing cards on the front porch.  It's been nice too.    I ordered myself a few books as well.  The library is opening, but with curbside service.  I'm not going yet, and will see how they get operating (wondering how they will clean the books, and what chemicals they'll use).

Hopefully, I will have a more exciting post soon, and possibly with photos.  I hope you are all safe and healthy right now.


  1. Hope the raccoon is gone, but you know how those things go. Glad to hear about the asparagus. Sorry to hear about the daughter's year book pictures, but I don't think mine was in either back in 1965 because our parents couldn't afford to buy my senior pictures. Times pass, some things seem to stay the same.
    We're well and healthy here, though I think Bro Tom is working too many hours for his age. Still, he refuses to stay "Stop" so what can I do.
    It's been hot hot hot here. It's past 1am, and it's still 80 degrees in the house, and I have the A/C running. Yuck!!! I hate hot weather.
    And now we have a storm roiling off the NC seaboard. What's next? Godzilla rising up from the ocean? (Although that's a different ocean.)
    I pray everyone has a safe week and makes good sound decisions for themselves and their families, in Christ Jesus name. AMEN!!!
    God bless.

  2. What a shame about the photograph for school, so disappointing. Glad to read the asparagus has new shoots, what a thrill that must be for you. Take care.

  3. RB, thanks, we are getting some rain now here.


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