Monday, May 18, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Sunday's rain that was predicted all day changed on us.  Thankful for that, as we had time in the morning to plant more flowers.  

(just a few snippets of our work)

We had 4 bags of mulch leftover from last year, but we still need to go get a truck load of it to finish the flower beds and add some pine mulch to my herb garden.  We worked the good part of the day beautifying the front of the house.  I'm debating on dropping some zinnia seeds today or not.  They keep saying torrential rain, but we are not getting it and so far completely wrong on when we are getting any and how much.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . . 
99% humidity, 73/59°F, Thunderstorms

How I'm feeling this morning . . . 
Ready to get back to a regular work out schedule.  With Hubby's crew off two weeks and on two weeks, I've been off track.

On my mind . . .
Just my to-do list, and making preparations for days to work more on the garden.

On my breakfast plate . . .

Sweet Potato/Black Bean Frittata

On my reading pile . . .
Call of the Wild

On my TV . . .
Re-watching The Ranch

On the menu this week . . .
-Spaghetti and meatballs, homegrown asparagus, homemade coconut flour garlic muffins
-Biscuits and gravy, potatoes, eggs (didn't make this last week)
-Turkey breast (crock pot), 
-4 beans and sausage (crock pot)
-maybe sweet potato and black bean chili

From the camera . . . 

Looking around the house . . .
There is a lot to clean up since we devoted most of our time to anything outdoors (veggie garden, flower beds, etc.)  There is a lot on the to-do list today. . . putting it here to stay on track this week.
-make a breakfast dish
-master bath
-tidy office area/pay bills
-clean windows
-clean up utility room now that the chicks are in the barn
-water plants
-re-pot lettuce starts
-drain Four Thieves Vinegar
-freeze bell peppers, freeze cauliflower
-make homemade foaming hand soap
-call vet (other two dogs need shots)
-make a list for the garden center
-restock freezer pizza dough and pie crust crumbles
-things need made, lip balm, and many other needs (homemade)

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . . 
Mucking the coop.  If the weather is good, it'll be getting a clean sweep from winter pile up.  

To relax this week I will . . .
Journal, maybe handiwork.  I have Christmas tree ornaments  that need finished up as well.

On my prayer list . . .
My friend's eyesight, for this virus to go away, and personal requests.

Devotional/Bible Verse . . .


  1. Love the flower pictures. Have a great week.

  2. Your flowers look beautiful. I'm looking forward to doing some gardening soon. I enjoyed my visit today :)

  3. I like Happy Homemaker Mondays. It's those simple things to be grateful for~ grateful someone else sees floors that could use attention, or baking beans etc. Makes one feel not so alone in the world. Beans are in the crockpot for tonight's supper:-)

  4. Bleeding hearts are such pretty little flowers! Love all your cheery looking flowers. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. Mulch... need to go buy some!
    I need to work on my Christmas ornaments too. Have a great week

  6. Thank you for sharing your lovely Lilies with us,,
    I needed to see some pretty blooming flowers,, I am tired of the over cast and rain here...
    I need to add Lilies to my garden wish list for next year...

  7. I love me some purple tulips! Have a beautiful day!

  8. Katmom, my husband wants to add a few more too.


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