Friday, May 1, 2020

Homesteading Chit-Chat ~This and That

I deleted one item from our wish list - buy a pressure canner.  I tried to order it directly from All-American, but it was "out of stock."  It didn't surprise me.  I found the same one on Amazon and put in my order.  

Hubby wants to build my "garden shed" now with old barn wood.  Not sure if it will happen, but it would allow me to have all the tools right by the garden.  Crossing my fingers on this one.

Peas have been planted.  Sugar snap and shell peas.  I am now looking for empty pie tins to hang on my fencing to keep the birds away.  I need to dig through old clothes and try and fix up my scare crow now.  We are however anticipating a cold week May 4-10th with possible lows in the 30's.  This is not normal May weather.

I've been keeping my eye on the nettles.  The recent rain should be helping them out, so hopefully soon I'll be harvesting more.  

I started a thyme tincture.  First time doing this, but having any preventative medicinals on hand is better than not.

Our daughter who is a senior in High School, is depressed.  One briefing the Governor said graduations can be done, but with safety measures, and the next day he says they cannot.  We decided to take her on a field trip.  We went and got take out in a small town, and then let her shop inside a small candy store (that also sells food items), and I'll admit it was nice getting out of the house.

Our landfill is opening soon, so now we can resume the garage cleaning and get rid of stuff.  

There is news going around that our Governor, while we slept, extended our stay at home order for another month (although I heard him let it out of the bag in another briefing), so I don't know what to believe until he speaks today at 2pm.

Almost all High schools have finalized graduation plans.  No word from our daughter's school yet.

I noticed a few gardens with tomatoes planted, while on our drive yesterday.  Big mistake with the cold weather coming again.  

I hope you are all staying healthy.  


  1. Sorry to read your daughter is feeling depressed, it must be so hard on them being cooped up for so long. Hope the little trip out helped. Stay safe.

  2. mamasmercantile, I am sure we all needed to get out, and I found a little store where some food supplies can be bought now. It was a win-win situation, and they are a local store (no big box store), where I'd rather spend my money.

  3. Sad about the graduation, since that's such a part of becoming an adult, and celebrating all the hard work! We're only doing cool weather crops, 46 this morning. Atleast the low 70's is nice! We both working from home, me only part time, but lots of time for projects. Stay healthy!

  4. Nancy, thanks. Yeah, she was robbed of her senior year. So sad. I hope I can get my husband on board next week. He's off and we have lots to get done.

  5. Hi Kristina~
    Did you get my email?

  6. No, you're right. This is NOT a normal May. Use to be we could set all the houseplants out and about in the garden by mid April. They're out, but it's kind of cold tonight, and I'm worried about them, but they're in God's hands just like I am. What will be, will be if He wills it.
    I haven't been out anywhere except for Sunday rides on Bro Tom's days off for weeks, and that's ok, cause I'm in a high risk group, so I'll obey the CDC, the doctors and the scientists, and I pray everyone else will too.
    An interesting study in that is the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic when people had a parade in the middle of things, and started a second round of it which killed more people than the first round did. My Grandmother lost a child in that epidemic, and she never forgot him. I don't know what his real name was. They always referred to him as Fuzzy because when he was born, he had light colored fuzzy hair that no amount of combing or brushing could tame. We always visited his little grave when I went with her to the cemetery.
    That epidemic and the tuberculosis epidemic were before my time, but I think they must have been awful. And if they had the strength to get through them, I believe we do too.
    Praying we all have a great weekend, and a safe one. Praying the Lord lifts this scourge from all our lands so it will be safe for us to go out again. I pray these things in Christ Jesus name. AMEN!!!
    God bless.

  7. Lady Locust, I will check in it now. Thanks.

  8. RB, thank you, I hope you have a good weekend as well. Amen!

  9. Governor Dewine did not extend the time. Dr Atkin who is the real boss slipped that one in. I am so disgusted with all of this, he needs to get rid of the doc, and be the governor again. My son was to graduate also. They have it rescheduled in July. My heart breaks for the kids.

  10. Faith, you are right on that one. I have not heard from our school at all. And yes, disgusted from all of this.

  11. Regarding graduation, let's put things into perspective. It's better to be safe than to be sorry. You wouldn't want to put your children at risk for anything anyway. Would you?
    God bless.


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