Saturday, April 25, 2020

Wild Violets ~ Chickens ~ The Car Saga

Quarantine Day 41.  I guess you can't call it "Quarantine" if we went out to get supplies for my Mom again, but the shut in order is still in place.

My wild violets are starting to come up, but the question is "do I really need more jelly right now?"  Wild violet jelly smells so good while its being made and looks so pretty, but I think I'll focus on fruit jams.  If Hubby doesn't mow and I have extra sugar it would make a nice gift.

The ladies all got a day outside in the run, but my rooster didn't know how to use the ramp.  By evening he figured it out, but wouldn't use the ramp to come back in.  Hubby and I went out about 9pm and tag teamed and got him inside.  Today he may figure both out and back in on his own, but that outside ramp needs replaced.  It's been on the to-do list for a year or so now.  I think our list is growing, ha ha!  Our fencing on the run needs some work done on it as winter put some stress on it too.  By the way, that's not all the ladies, just some.  The others were digging up dirt and enjoying the sun.

Guess what?!

My car is back.  While we were him-hawing inside the house, a biker friend drove it to the house and left the keys.  I would have thanked him in person, but that's okay.  I'm thrilled.  We sanitized the inside of course, but so thrilled.  It may need one more oil change, but it's running!!  Woohoo to that.

Hubby needs a day off today, so I'll take it easy on him.  No wood will be cut this weekend, but we may get some smaller jobs done.  Rain is coming late tonight.  My garlic will love it.  I may just get Hubby to till some of the garden today for me, while I help remove any weeds.  Cross your fingers.  I need to get those peas in, and other root veggies.


  1. Thrilled you got the car back, long may it last. Nice to see the girls, how many do you have? We have 6 which we really do enjoy watching their antics and of course we enjoy the eggs. Take care and stay safe in these strange times.

  2. mamasmercantile, I am down to 8 right now, but have 6 new chicks to add to the brood.

  3. Two other uses for wild violets, I will sugar them and keep them for decorating cakes, and dry and press them for craft projects later.

    I'm still saving for my car.

  4. So glad to see the chickens out moving around and I am glad that you got your car back.

  5. Luv your 'tea bag' words of wisdom.. and yes,, the garden is good for the soul!
    Have a wonderful weekend...

  6. Cockeyed Jo, that is a great idea. I will press some after the rain quits here. I know you can sugar them, but haven't done that yet. Thanks.

  7. Thanks Katmom, we were in the garden yesterday (first actual day to get in it and do work and it felt great).


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