Sunday, April 26, 2020

Question ~ Garden Work

Where is the best place (and cheapest) online to purchase a gallon of organic olive oil?  Thanks in advance.  I cook a lot with it, but need to make some things using it too.

My tulips are starting to bloom, and our ornamental apple trees are in full bloom.  We have two tree starts we need to dig up and move.  They grow quickly and are pretty spring and fall.  I tried to buy more tulip bulbs early in the year, but there are none to be had.  I'll try again this fall and fall plant them.

With rain arriving late, we decided to get the pea fence ready, tilled and cleaned up.  We didn't start our work until about 1pm due to the weather, and it was definitely a physical workout.  No problem here getting outside and exercise.  We were worn out.  We didn't plant 3/4ths of the garden last year due to massive rain and late planting, so we have to clean out dead weeds first (more work than normal).  

Nothing has been planted yet.  We still need to take the pea fence out and move it, then plant.  It's raining now, and will rain all day, so that's not on the to-do list today.

I managed to get one rain barrel up yesterday.  I'll get the other 3 up after this rain.  I need the water to water the veggie plants indoors to ready them for the garden.

I started another jar of Four Thieves Vinegar yesterday.  I will continue to make them to keep for preventive health care.  I know it works, and Rosemary Gladstar's recipes have not failed me yet.


  1. Love your header! It's always that way in the want to get ahead but by the time the rain stops it's too late....the weeds have already taken over! LOL! Good luck!

  2. Sam I Am, we are way ahead of where we were last spring.

  3. Seems your gardening worm is turning finally. Looking forward to successful post from you this year!

  4. We are behind on gardening as well. I will hopefully plant some veggies tomorrow in some peat pods here and begin to get things in the ground soon. I do have potatoes planted, but it is supposed to be in the mid 30's here for a couple of nights so they may get too cold. UGH!

  5. Carol, I decided not to plant red or white potatoes this year, but I am planting sweet potatoes.


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