Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Harvesting Stinging Nettle ~ Garage Clean Up

The snow was arriving around noon yesterday, so I went ahead and harvested some stinging nettle.  It filled my smaller dehydrator.  Happy for that. If you haven't done this before, be sure to have thick gloves on.  The "sting" does not leave the plant until you either cook it or dehydrate it.

Hubby and I spent 3 hours in the garage.  Found so much we can give away - roller blades, knee pads, wrist guards, all sorts of balls and bats, kids tent....lots to throw out too.  Now the trash is full, so it waits again for another day.  Happy for that too.

Luckily, I harvest a small bit of feverfew.  I make tea for our youngest daughter's headaches.  

The sunrise this morning.  I actually slept until just before it came up.  Beautiful, and praying for the best for world, especially our Governor.  I just hope they don't hold us captive much longer, and that they do not enforce wearing a mask all year.  I do understand the purpose, but you can't gain immunity by covering our faces an entire year, possibly 18 months.  There is hope for things to open back up.  In our state if you are tested and are positive they are giving your personal information to the local EMS/Police authorities - so much for HIPPA and our privacy.  Might as well stamp a number on us.   Sorry for the "Debbie Downer" but it really has me thinking/wondering.  Keep praying.


Robin said...

Very well said about the sharing of health information. The reaction for some of the restrictions imposed on citizens. I told my husband that a civil war is on its way. Be safe.

Lisa B said...

Any chance you have toddler skates in your purge? I am looking for the adjustable ones like my kids had eons ago.

RB said...

We're under quarantine here in NC too, and I for one am happy for it because I'm in a high risk group being almost 73, with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, just to name a few. I think of it this way, if a teacher teaching my grandchild, if I had one, tested positive, wouldn't I want her/his parents to know?
And if wearing a face mask helps stop this deadly virus, then I'm all for it.
Remember, the world has been through such as this not too long ago - with polio and tuberculosis. and if our grandparents and great-grandparents got through it by obeying the rules, then we can too.
Dear Lord, if it be Your will, come lift this scourge from us, in Christ Jesus name. AMEN!!!
God bless.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Robin, it's a very scary world right now.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Lisa B, I do not. I have ones for older kids. If I hear of anyone getting rid of some I will snag them up for you.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thanks RB

Anonymous said...

I so agree with RB. Those who are not willing to sacrifice a little inconvenience and privacy will jeopardize us all. Saw a good quote: "Our parents were asked to go to war in Europe & the Pacific -- all we're being asked to do in STAY HOME." Those who protest the shut-down are extreme attention-seekers who have a political agenda. This is life and death.

Cockeyed Jo said...

Do you make rennet for cheese out of your stinging nettles? I do. Makes an excellent rennet fresh is better than dehydrated, but both will work.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Cockeyed Jo, we don't raise dairy goats anymore and I have no access to raw milk of any kind. I am interested though how you make the rennet with it.

Cockeyed Jo said...

Kristina, Stinging nettle is one of a few natural vegetable based coagulant already. I take a pound of fresh nettles (cleaned stems and all) to 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil and reduce liquid to 3/4 of initial amount. Strain and cool. 1 oz of rennet to 1 gal of milk. You may have to play it the amount of stinging nettle extract to get the curds you want. A lot of factors come into play like the age of the nettles (growing, flowering, post flowering) that affects the coagulant time and amount.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Cockeyed Jo, thank you so much for that information. I used to make cheese all the time with our dairy goat milk. I may have to raise one again after all of this.