Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Monday, April 27, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Yesterday involved 3 of us baking and cooking.  I baked a broccoli and cheese (with cottage cheese) casserole for breakfast, a batch of almond butter cookies (flourless), taught Youngest how to make Hot Cranberry Punch, infused a quart of nettle tea, and made old fashioned Goulash for dinner.  Shoot, now that I think about it, I could have added greens to the breakfast bake.  Oh well.

Dinner was old fashioned goulash with corn we froze last summer.  Instead of adding green pepper, I added finely diced jalapenos I froze from the garden last summer.  It was fantastic.  Although too many carbs, it was a nice change to visit the comfort zone in the way of food.

Youngest's boyfriend was sick with a fever, sore throat and headache for a few days.  I've been in touch with his Mom, and his fever broke yesterday.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

I'll link up when she posts.  I need to start laundry before three of us fight over the washing machine.

Update:  Linked up now, and dealing with an outlet behind my washer that isn't working now (double urgh).

The weather. . . 

Foggy.  High of 62° and 10% chance of rain in the evening.

How I'm feeling this morning . . .
The same.  So many circles of confusion on the news, so I'm staying busy in the garden, prepping it for a good tilling all around, doing laundry, dishes and cleaning.

On my mind . . .
The garden and getting it ready, chores that need done on a good weather day like clean the coop (and that job will not be fun), the unknown about daughter's grad party and even her graduation (and prom), hoping my husband doesn't use all good weather days to take motorcycle rides on his 2 weeks off (one guy is already asking him and I need him for the garden work, although I do like to ride, it needs to come first), and wondering what businesses will open May 1st when our shut-in order is lifted.  I can't see how a restaurant can open when the order for no more than 10 in a group order is still set in place here.  Wondering where to buy a gallon of organic olive oil (I got no suggestions so far).  I use it to infuse herbs, make homemade medicinals, and it takes 2 cups to make homemade "neosporin."

Also on my mind?  My crafting sales.  I'm getting zero, and I count on that for extras and retreat vacations (which I'm not sure that's happening any time soon), but I'm sure there will be zero craft shows this year and that saddens me.

On the breakfast plate . . .
The egg/cheese casserole I shared first on this post.  New recipe.

On my reading pile . . .
Nothing.  I haven't had time to read, or I've just not been in the mood to read.

On the TV . . . 
We watched a movie on Amazon Prime called "On the Menu" and loved it.

On the menu this week . . .
In no particular order, here is what I've come up with
-crock pot beef stroganoff
-sheet pan meal with meat and two veggies
-macaroni and cheese, beets
-crock pot chicken and rice with greens

From the camera . . . 
I've been doing a lot of prepping and re-stocking lately.

Looking around the house . . . 
My living room is a mess again.  Our daughter who moved in is re-organizing her room, and what she doesn't want is downstairs.  It's going to the road with a free sign today.  All thrift stores remain closed.

Chore I am not looking forward to doing this week . . .
Cleaning one toilet.

To relax this week I will . . .
I'm considering getting out my tatting, and my flower press today.  If Hubby didn't mow down all my wild violets I will pick and press some today for future crafting.

On my prayer list . . . The same - The President, our Governor, the world, the sick, for this virus to end, for our rights to be restored....for us to have a bountiful garden this year.


wyomingheart said...

We usually purchase our Olive oil from Sonoma Farm...1 gal 39.99 with free shipping. My friend buys from: 44.50 free shipping. Hope that helps! Have a wonderful day!

mamasmercantile said...

Locally they are doing virtual craft fairs. So all those that booked onto a craft fair all sell online on the date. Not sure how it all works but might be worth investigating. Hope your daughters boyfriend recovers quickly and that all is well. Our priority is the garden at the moment we suspect we may have a shortage of fruit and veg as there are limited pickers this year. Take care and stay safe.

Joanna Unbehaun said...

That foggy sun, I love it!!! I love that you press flowers!
Have an amazing, blessed week!!

Joanne said...

Your food pictures look amazing and are making me hungry! The broccoli casserole looks delicious and I'm interested in the hot cranberry punch! We have been baking more and try new recipes to keep us busy. Hopefully we can start getting back to normal programming soon. I would love to spend time food shopping and not just run in and run out! Stay safe and have a great week!

Jean said...

Your baking looks delicious! Especially that breakfast casserole. Hope you can find some stray violets. Have a wonderful week!

Sandra said...

I love Goulash, such a yummy comfort dish. Looks like you cooked and baked up a ton of delicious food.

Hope you have a fantastic week :)

annies home said...

love the pictures that you shared at the weather thanks for sharing
come see us at

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

wyomingheart, thank you so much!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

mamasmercantile, interesting on the craft show. I'm wondering too on the fruit. We have U=pick farms and I am wondering how that will happen.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thanks Joanna

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Joanne, I will check and see if I have that recipe on my blog somewhere. It's from our family recipe book.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Jean, the breakfast casserole was fantastic. I'll have to link the recipe soon.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thanks Sandra

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thanks Annie's Home. Will be over for a visit

Cockeyed Jo said...

I totally agree with your prayer list. Add me too if you think about it. The big C raised its head once again.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thanks Cockeyed Jo

Anonymous said...

Your breakfast casserole looks so yummy. Think I will make one for brunch on the patio today. Also the flourless almond cookies would be a hit with my celiac husband. Thanks for the inspiration! Have a blessed week.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Simply Cornish, I'll have the recipe link up tomorrow for the cookies and where you can find the breakfast recipe tomorrow.