Monday, March 23, 2020


We have snow again.  It actually started coming down last night.  I didn't want to see that right now.  I'm ready for spring.

If you didn't hear it.  Our state is on "lockdown" but they are just calling it an "order to stay-at-home" until April 6th (at which time I'm sure they'll extend it).  All non-essential businesses are ordered closed by midnight tonight.

Nothing really new to post, but have a full normal day of chores today, so I'm not at all bored.  I'm used to being home anyway, I just wish I could get some porch time is all.

Short post, but I'm trying to keep to my regular routine.  Hopefully, I'll have some handiwork to share soon.

Update:  I just realized it's Monday, so I will post a Happy Homemaker post later too.

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