Monday, March 23, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

I posted earlier this morning, and then realized it was Monday today.  To be honest, with Hubby home off and on, I forget what day it is, and what time it is too often.

As I said earlier today, we have a state order to stay in our homes - non-essential is all closed.  We have 2 cases of the virus in our county now and another in a larger city we shop in off and on.  The 2 in our county are 60 year-old's that recently traveled to Europe, and are self quarantined in their home with no hospitalization.

All day cares that remain open, are ordered to reduce to 6 kids now and must have a "Pandemic Permit."  It puts essential workers in a predicament.

The order was issued to stay at home starting tonight at midnight, but we self quarantined and are on day 8 now, so now another 2 weeks.  It's not new to us, but frustrating that people are not staying home so we can get back to normal.

I need to change my header intro to "surviving today's pandemic" now.

I'm thankful for still being able to locate fresh organic greens.

I've already made a double batch of Rosemary Gladstar's Basil medicinal pesto.  It's in the freezer.  I saved cilantro stems for broth/stock making and they are in the freezer. 

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The weather . . . 

Foggy and cloudy.  Snow turning to rain, currently 36°F, high of 47° today.  I'm so looking forward to the warmer days now. I will be tackling anything I can outside, but seriously wish my husband wasn't on his 2 weeks on this week.  We could be cutting wood.  I will finally get porch time and clean it up for spring.  I doubt I'll weed any beds, considering I need to keep plants protected for a while before cleaning out dead leaves etc.  Our weather is unpredictable, but it will be tempting a few days this week.

How I am feeling this morning . . . 
Out of shape.  I'm hittin'  the treadmill and weights today for an in-home workout.  Also a bit paranoid.  Keeping doors locked and staying alert during this time.  I had a guy pull in our driveway, roll down his window and honk the horn.  I opened the door a crack and he wanted to know where the "boat cover repair" lady lived.  Seriously?  When we are told to stay home?  Just watch our homes right now people.

On my mind . . .
How long is this lockdown going to last?  That's what's on my mind.  How many businesses will be forced to close their doors?  Will my seed orders still get here?  Will the garden centers still have supplies and will they be open in time to plant?  Will the county I live in waive mortgage/rent?  Will our county give utility credits?  I have kids living in apartments, and can't afford to pay double if they simply "defer" rent.  They need to waive it.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Breakfast burrito with beans, egg, sausage topped with Cowboy Candy.

On my reading pile . . .

On the TV . . .
Lonesome Dove

On the to-do list . . .
blanch greens and broccoli
make hummus
refill ice trays
make condensed mushroom soup
dehydrate remaining mushrooms
put flag out
put trash out
dinner prep

On the menu . . .
-cabbage/sausage and potatoes
-soup beans, cornbread
-ham and pea pasta, beets
-snacks - some sort of low sugar cookie

What I am creating . . .
Cross bookmarks, a set of pot holders, and a new bookmark pattern (hoping to start on that today for a friend).

From the camera . .  .

Chore I am not looking forward to . . . 
Really nothing.  I'm thankful to be busy.

To relax this week I will . . .
Binge watch cooking shows while crocheting/knitting or read a book.  As for fun?  I'll turn up the music and dance in the kitchen with my daughter while we do dishes.

On my prayer list . . .
Our country, Mom and Dad, my kids, a friend's mother who may be going back into a hospital from rehab, Truck drivers (my son is one, a cousin is one, a friend's husband is one), all essential workers, special requests.


  1. Flag is out at our home also. Everyday. Moving about smartley today (inside) laundry etc...and always time for some crochet, I'm working on a thread crochet mandala. Stay well Kristina...and dance dance dance.

  2. We have started quarantine last week.... all stores are closed except for pharmacy, groceries and liquor store (?!). Daycares are all closed as are schools. and yesterday was announce all will be closed for April too! everyday brings another load of new regulations. Just wishing people stayed home so it would get better. 2 elderly homes were infected by poeple coming back from trips that went to see their parents... 4 dead in one home and 8 are infected in the other one :( wish people just obeyed.

  3. Glad you were able to find your fresh organic greens. I've not been to the store since last Sunday but when I went, found it extremely ironic that the fresh fruits and vegetables were in abundant supply. That may be different now I don't know. Praying you find some peace during these trying times. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Thanks Faith, I do love to dance while cooking or doing dishes. It puts us in our happy place.

  5. Unknown, I agree. We are isolating Mom and Dad and no one is allowed here either.

  6. Thanks Jean. Yes, no one is buying organic anything it seems, so we are well supplied. People are buying canned and frozen meals here. It's just crazy. Or they are buying take out, which is all (most) inflammatory meals. I'd love to support take out local, but not worth the risk going out or eating fast food.

  7. Really enjoyed stopping by! Our Gov. announced that our schools will not Western to school this year! I am afraid if people do not soon follow the guidelines set for us we will go on lockdown. I believe we are ready to be back to normal!
    I am praying for you and your family during this time! Stay safe my friend!

  8. Morning! Although not ordered to stay home, all of our borders are now closed, within my state you can't even travel to a neighbouring town. We only have 5 infections, all brought into our state by reckless travellers not heeding warnings to self isolate upon entering from overseas, and no person to person infection but we are a very isolated state, with only 600 hospital beds in total to service about 244300 people, so we are taking extreme measures. Take care, stay safe, try to keep busy.

  9. I really enjoyed stopping by today! I am so glad you were able to find the organic veggies! Our grocery stores have been awful! The meat department is literally empty!I am praying very hard you and your family in the week to come!

  10. Daydreams, thank you, and we have a travel ban too. Stay safe!

  11. This is our 2nd week of quarantine. It definitely a different time right now. Since we live out in the country, I seem to notice cars that shouldn't be there. It makes you a little nervous now days. I love your fresh veggies. Our grocery shelves are pretty bare here too.
    I love your crosses. They look so pretty and dainty.

  12. Monique, I agree about watching around your property right now. I am always looking around and listening. It's crazy, but better to be safe. Thank you about the bookmarks. I plan to have them up for sale when going to the post office is okay to do.


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