Thursday, March 26, 2020

Random Tidbits

Morning coffee on the porch this morning.

Well folks.  I have nothing to update, but there is another case in our county.  A 71 year old man.

Thank you Debby for the black beans.  Can you tell me again what the proper name of them is?  Thanks again!

I wish I took pictures, but something is eating the tops of my garlic.  I spent some time gathering up bits of wire to cover the tops of the grow bags and will move them this weekend.  It could be the stray cat that hasn't left yet (the other 2 have left).

Today I am thankful for. . . 

-my treadmill so I can have daily exercise
-daughter home to have person to person conversation
-Hubby working, so we can pay the bills
-that Hubby's work is following instructions on keeping things sanitized (they even have doors open to not touch door knobs, someone is spraying minute by minute, chair removed from lunch room to make sure they sit 6 feet apart, even their trucks have been cleaned).
-the mail system is still in operation
-daughter washed all the dishes yesterday
-not running out of things to do indoors
-awesome outside weather today


  1. broke arm so 1 hand typing... bean were not named when passed to me, hubby's aunt got them from a dtr in law from the sw ad she said here family brought them over the trail of tears. seeds savers and other sources have a Cherokee Trail of Tears black pole bean and from the description I have concluded that is what they are. Hope they grow well for you, we need our gardens more now than ever.

  2. Debby, I am so sorry to hear about your arm. I hope it heals up quickly. Thanks for the update on the beans and thank you again.


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