Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Keeping it "Normal" as can be. . .

Monday I literally was so busy in my kitchen I didn't have time to think about the virus shut in situation.  I am thankful for my lifestyle in those terms (self-sufficient as much as I can).  The odd thing is, is that more of us are home bound, and my number of views on my blog have plummeted to an all time low.  I'm still blogging despite.

I decided to change up my breakfast and make a batch of strawberry/blueberry pancakes.

The only downside to this pandemic for us right now, is finding organic flour and Einkorn flour.  I found some online, but at horribly high prices.  I hope they restock by the weekend.

I told Hubby, enjoy your cookies.  You may not get them again, nor homemade pizza crust, and pancakes (rather anything I use it for).  I'm rationing it.  

Day 10 of self quarantine:
Tiger wanted fed at 4:30am.  Anyone else have a cat like that?  Then he curled up with me in bed.

Yesterday.  County workers showed up to mulch the tree stumps.  Essential?  Apparently, they didn't hear about the 6 foot social distance rule.  I guess everyone needs an income right now, but this is not essential work.

I was again so busy in the kitchen, that I actually missed the live press conference our governor does every day at 2pm.  I didn't hear anything new, other than numbers are reducing, but so many are still working too.  However, I just read numbers for Ohio.  Cases increased, and two more deaths.

I was so busy that I only got a 1 mile walk in vs. 2.

Another Amazon order arrived.  Thankfully, wild organic rice arrived.  Once again, I sprayed down the package, emptied it, sprayed again, and discarded the packaging.

We've been jokingly discussing where we'd contain ourselves "if" one would get sick.  We called which room we'd have etc.  Funny, yet not funny.


  1. Sounds a lot like we are here... life on the ridge seems to be busy as ever, in spite of the virus. But then, we don’t socialize much here, but once in awhile across the fence from our neighbor. I read your blog almost daily, but never comment. Thought I would today to let you know we are still out here least when it’s raining outside! Lol!

  2. wyomingheart, thank you for commenting that you are still out there and reading. Some days I think "what do I have that's interesting to share" but still post. It's crazy here, and they lack test kits, so we still show only 2 in our county, but could be more. The only house north (by a field length) is empty and the one south is another field away with just 2 elderly people.

  3. Please keep blogging! I read your blog every day but have never commented. I am in Charleston, SC and am staying home. I live by myself and it does get boring, but it is all about trying to stay healthy myself and keeping others healthy. I have a number of children and grandchildren that live close by and the hardest thing is not being able to spend time with them, although we do chat on the phone regularly.

  4. MaryP thanks for commenting. Glad to know people are still out in blog land. My Mom face times with her grandkids and that keeps her sane. She lives alone and we cannot visit her either.

  5. Hi from North Carolina. I read your blog and love to hear what everyone else is doing to stay busy during these crazy days. My husband and I are in the high risk pool and are doing the recommendations suggested. Please keep blogging, we will keep reading. Best wishes for you and your family.

  6. Dear Kristina, Please keep blogging! I usually do not comment either but thoroughly enjoy your blog. Thank you for taking the time to keep us up to date on happenings and family life in your area. Mary Mc

  7. Yes, all of a sudden everyone's cooking from scratch! :) I don't know if we are out of things in our stores as I haven't been yet. I'll be ordering online and then picking it up at the drive-thru.
    I didn't hoard the last time I went but I always have a pretty good stockpile. Good luck!

  8. Sam I Am, people are still hoarding here. You can't find toilet paper or rubbing alcohol anywhere, nor Tylenol and other items. It's nuts.

  9. I'm lucky cause I'm good at being alone. Not negatively now, it's just that I'm good at keeping myself occupied, either with a book, or a craft, or cleaning something. With diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure, and being 72 years old, I'm in the high risk group, so I have an N95/N99 mask that I wear when I MUST go out. Otherwise I'm lucky too that brother Tom can bring home things I need so I don't NEED to go out.
    Today we watched a Walton's marathon on Hallmark. We've got chicken drumsticks in the oven that we're going to eat with hot sauce and corn.
    Saw a video the other day that we should be eating fresh meats right now and need to either toss out any meats we have in the freezer or make sure to cook it all thoroughly because the virus can live in those frozen goods for months until it's fully cooked, so I'm keeping that in mind too.
    And I've been praying for those in need, for those children separated at our southern border, are they sick? Are their parents ok? Praying their families are restored soon. Praying for our indigenous tribe Nations, often left to fend on their own in times like this. Praying for the elderly, disabled and military because sometimes they have no one to help them, especially military with PTSD. Praying for those who are being abused right now, for them to find a way to healthy safety.
    So many things running through my mind.
    And prayers you all have a good week - safe, healthy, happy.
    God bless you all.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.