Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wide Awake Hot Mess ~ Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

On top of being a hot mess on Tuesday, so was the weather.  We got boat loads of rain, so everything is a muddy mess.  It's cold now again, and nights in the teens.  Stupid, crazy weather.

By the way, when I post things that are just not going our way, it's simply reality.  I'm not complaining, just pushing through.  I don't post that life is all posh in the boonies if they are not.  Although winter is a time to rest, we may be cleaning up the garage this coming weekend.  Not willingly though.  I guess we'll see.

I checked off my to-do list as best as I could yesterday, which started with washing the crock pots for another two crock pot dinner - turkey meatballs/marinara sauce in one, and veggie quinoa in another.  However, I realized I was completely out of quinoa, so glazed carrots went into the other crock pot.

By the way, I had cauliflower to blanch and freeze, but decided to "rice" it with some onion and parsley.  We topped it with the meatballs and it was actually very good.  Recipe is online from Food Network - Healthy Cauliflower Rice.

...after downing a lot of coffee, I just became a wide awake hot mess.

I was literally still in the kitchen at 2pm.  I never got much of the laundry done - 2 loads.  I washed and dried dishes twice, emptied, filled and emptied the dishwasher. In between all that, I prepped dinner, made a batch of homemade ginger-ale for Mom, baked almond butter cookies (I was needing some chocolate) and a big batch of Einkorn blueberry pancakes.  The rest of my chores just might get done today.

Romeo was pretty needy, as he was in his kennel all day Monday (which never happens).  He was by my side all day long and sort of in my way, so I treated him to a carrot here and there to keep him occupied and offer a peace treaty for not being home.

Now, I'm home all week without a car and it's driving me nuts.  In reality, to most people, it would be a good thing, but I have stuff I need to do.  I have my library loot to return, so I'm filling up the back seat of daughter's car (or Hubby's truck) to drop off for me.  I put an S.O.S. out to another daughter to come out and pick up homemade ginger-ale syrup, which I made for my mother.  She'll have to pick up the club soda for me as well, since we are fresh out.  I also placed an online order for quinoa and other items, and it should be here in a day.  Hubby is still working on the car after work, and the last thing he needs is his Wifey texting him a grocery list.

Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 cup organic non-gmo almond butter
3/4 cup organic brown sugar
1 farm fresh egg
1 tsp. homemade vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup organic non-gmo mini chocolate chips

Mix together all but the chocolate chips.  Fold the chocolate chips into the batter.  Drop about a Tbsp. on parchment paper lined cookies sheets and bake at 350°F for 12 minutes.  Do not flatten.  These spread nicely.  Allow to cool before removing from baking sheets.  Cool completely on wire racks.  

Note:  I am thinking about adding slivered almonds and leaving out the chocolate chips for my husband, and reduce the sugar to about 6 Tbsp. next time.

Here's to another day of getting things back on track around here.  


  1. Your cookies sound delicious!

    I', just honestly tired of all the rain we've got since before Christmas. Supposed to snow tomorrow. Will be a nice break until it melts. The last snow we had 8" that lasted about 15 hours before it turned to mud with 60 degree temps. Crazy winter weather.

  2. Hope hubby manages to get the car repaired soon, sounds like its causing a few issues. The cookies sound delicious.

  3. Cockeyed Jo, our weather is just up and down all the time here.

  4. mamasmercantile, thanks. The car issue is not looking good right now. The cookies are very good. It's been a long time since I've made them, and was craving cookies.


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