Monday, February 3, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

(area where the new coop will go, so we are "getting two birds with one stone - wood cut and clearing it off as we go, but we have a lot of work to clean it all up).

Saturday morning started off with car and truck repairs.  We'll, an attempt anyway.  We needed a new alternator for the truck and the car was leaking antifreeze.  We just can't catch a break.  As for the car, it's the intake, which will require an entire weekend to repair.

We were completely out of wood, so that also needed done.  We had one day to do it all too.  Or so we thought.  Saturday night (late), Hubby got the call that Sunday overtime was canceled.  

We got up early and him-hawed over our to-do list.  We decided to take a look-see at the larger pellet stove and assess what repairs would get it running vs. trying to remove it and install the smaller one (requiring many hands to move the very heavy large one).  

We worked on the larger pellet stove, need one part, and have plans to fire it up in a few days.  We decided to repair the big stove, since it burns corn as well as pellets.

The humane society is closed for renovations, so I have no one to trap the two stray cats.  They are driving Romeo nuts.

On a good note, with a combination of medicinal teas, tinctures, rest and four thieves vinegar, I am feeling a bit better.

I shopped from the garage again.  One of the kids left a small, flat bottom lined basket.  It went to the kitchen to hold bottles of club soda (that don't stand alone on the wire shelving).  We keep a few bottles year round for homemade ginger-ale.

If you were looking to buy a heart bookmark from my other blog, the light blue one is sold now.

I am taking advantage of a semi-sunny day, but warmer than yesterday.  I had laundry out on the line at the crack of dawn.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom, although this Monday, my post lacks photos.  

It's not very often I pull a hand towel with the right day of the week on it.  I do need to make new ones this summer.

The weather outside is . . .
We may get up to 55°F today, but cloudy.  Yesterday we had a wonderful day of sun!  Snow is to return tonight.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
A bit on the mend, but up and at 'em this morning.

On my mind . . .
The garden and vacations.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Another round of coconut waffles and homemade blueberry syrup.  Coffee too.

On the reading pile . . .
Kiss the Girls, James Patterson.  Definitely not passing this book on to my daughter.  The book definitely has more details than the movie, and it'll be recycled when I'm done.  I have printed out the series in order for Joanne Fluke and one other author.  I'll tote it along to any book sales and thrift store visits now.  I'm already 1/2 way through this 400-some page book.

On the TV . . .
Movies on Netflix, Movies from the library

On the menu this week . . .
-Chicken teriyaki, wild rice
-Spaghetti Squash Casserole
-Crock pot pork chops, sweet potatoes

On the to-do list . . .
-sweep/mop kitchen
-dinner prep
-breakfast for the next few days
-master bath
-work in garage for a bit
-Making lotions and lip balm (still on the list)

What I am creating . . .
Slowly finishing an overcast colored XL hot pad, and starting a different bookmark.  

From the camera . . .
I almost had a picture of a red headed wood pecker, but he was too fast for me.
We had some beautiful colors in this morning's sunrise.  

Looking around the house . . .
It all needs a good dusting.  Again.

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . .
No chore really.

To relax this week I will . . .
Read, write, crochet.

Prayers . . .
Mom, personal requests, our own family.


  1. Seems like there is ALWAYS repairs to be done here too so you're not alone. Glad you had hubby for an extra day to accomplish some of them. Have a WONDERFUL week.

  2. Looks like we're both having teriyaki this week. Yum!

    We are working on the greenhouse and will also be adding a chicken coop this summer, so excited for that.

    Hope your car troubles get fixed soon. I took mine in this weekend to get new tires, it was the last thing needed after fixing the turbo. Thank goodness.

    Have a wonderful week!

  3. Sandra, I went through my freezer was so excited to still have frozen veggies from the garden. Can't wait to have them in teriyaki. The truck and car are not repaired yet. The truck is on it's last leg however, the alternator won't last much longer, but runs for now.

  4. Hoping the cars will be repaired soon. wow wish I could put laundry outside... it would just freeze!
    Glad you and your husband got some wood in and started clearing out for the chicken coop.
    Love that you use tinctures and medecinal teas for healing.
    Have a great week

  5. Thanks Luludou, a few of my older kids come back home for help too, when they are feeling ill. They do use my medicinal teas/tinctures too.

  6. That waffle looks delicious! We never seem to use our towels at the "right" times...I think I was using an Easter one yesterday. LOL! Glad you are feeling better. Hope you have a great week!

  7. There is always something going on, isn't there?
    I love your hand towels!
    Have a great week :)

  8. Don't feel porch roof is leaking again but I have a 15 year warranty. When I called they said 2 weeks....obviously I am on the bottom of the list.
    Glad you had some nice weather. Our winter here so far has been very mild. The waffles look good and glad you like the Joanne Fluke books.

  9. Your luck sounds like ours. I had to have a new washer, the vacuum had to be fixed, the car needs wheel speed sensors or wheel bearings, stove needed a new internal board. UGH!!

  10. Carol, we sound like we are both dealing with repairs.

  11. Seems like when it rains it pours. Hope your repairs are made soon. I love the embroidered hand towel. I had an aunt that made me a set with the days of the week many years ago. Wish I still had them. Lovely! I know I'm late, but have a great rest of the week! <3

  12. Thanks Rebecca, I have one for each day of the week, but do need some new ones.


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