Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Beautiful Monday ~ Tidbits

First, I need to apologize for the super long post yesterday.  Sorry about that.  I guess I was just on a roll with writing.

Although a bit cloudy, we had a warmer and mostly sunny day.  I still ran the wood stove.  Otherwise there would be a chill in the air.

Chores were done early, so I could have a Mom Power Hour by myself.  I finished my book, while sipping a homemade organic peppermint mocha.  

The afternoon coffee is probably why I was up at 3am to 5am, fell back asleep for 20 minutes and back up.  I'm may need a nap today.

Deep clean progress . . .
Washed hot pads.  Organized a tiny bit in one bathroom (I love those 3M hooks!).  You can see I didn't get far on this yesterday, ha ha!


  1. I am glad you enjoyed some time for yourself. I think any steps you get done in organizing are good ones. It's okay to have a day that not much gets accomplished.

  2. 3:00 is normal for me but then I go to bed at 8! LOL! Your Mom Power Hour sounds good! Especially with the peppermint mocha!

  3. Sam I Am, the mocha was delicious and way cheaper than in a coffee shop

  4. Kristina, I got a catalog in the mail, I thought you might be interested in taking a look at. https://blog.strictlymedicinalseeds.com/
    Your barn is lovely...and charming.

  5. I was due to do a deep cleaning of vacuuming, dusting, and so forth, but our community puppy (German Shepherd) chewed through the vacuum cleaner cord in several places. Eek! but oh well. Spent the day writing blogs and playing with the chicks.

  6. Thanks Faith, my catalog just arrived too.

  7. Cockeyed Jo, one of our dogs did the same thing once. Now I have a vacuum in which the cord sucks back into the inside of the sweeper. Safe and sound from puppies.


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