Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Random Tidbits

Hard to believe this was Jan 7th, 2015.  Five years ago.  This year we do not have snow, but we are told lots of rain is heading our way, with a small bit of snow.  Gotta love that sunshine we had back then.

It didn't take long for our internet service to hike their rates.  I called, there are no "deals" right now, and I was told all customers rates went up.  We now pay $70.00/month just for internet.  Unfortunately, we are in the boonies, and extremely limited to any other source.  One said nope, we can't get service through those trees.

The chickens are laying, but on a limited basis.  Not sure if it's just their slow return to laying or lack of sunshine.  I'm just thankful for the eggs.

Freezer rotation is still in progress.  I dug out one area of the freezer, re-organized and made notes on what meals it all could be used for.  I also made notes in my "canning" journal, to better utilize what we put up last fall, and to better prep for next year.

I found a quart bag of frozen whole hot peppers (misc).  Any suggestions?  It's not enough to can hot pepper jelly.  Hm.  Just pull and chop and add to recipes?  Thaw and dehydrate?   Hubby must have brought them home from work (from a co-worker), and didn't tell me.

I also, and keeping to my goals, tossed some garbage from the garage.  Every little bit helps the process much easier this spring in cleaning it completely out.  Cleaned up more in my bedroom (have a few bags lingering of netting that need cut), tossed more in the garbage, started another box for clothing donation too.

Aurora (barn cat) now has her own outdoor cat house.  It has a clear flip door on each end.  Once I know she'll use it, I'll be adding a heating element (for outdoors) for her.  She's getting up in the years, and we felt she needed it.  It is thermal, and has a back door so if any unwanted critters want to join her she can escape quickly.  It's water-proof, and stores flat come spring time.

I made a quick trip to the library, and Romeo didn't even notice I was gone (ha ha!).  I'm testing the waters as to train him to not be kenneled while gone for short periods of time.  I mean he needs to be able to get to the door and scare the pants off someone while I'm gone.  He's doing very well too.  He's such a good dog. 


  1. I love the cat house. I have a barn cat to that is getting older and I worry about him some when it is cold, but he does well for himself. I am thankful that you have been able to do some cleaning and organizing. I am working at it, but rarely find time to do much.
    I also have a puppy that I am working with to leave out of the kennel.

  2. Thanks Carol, we used a tote inside a tote, insulated and filled with straw in the past (cut a hole for her to get in and out). We thought she needed something more stable and warmer.

  3. Just making a start on my freezer and store cupboard an inventory sounds like a great idea.


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