Thursday, January 9, 2020

Rain ~ Work ~ Bruschetta Chicken ~ Reading Challenge

The forecast is expecting 6 weeks of rain in two days here (starting today).  It seems like this happened the year we had a bountiful garden, so I'm praying the Weather Gods are good to us and we get through this upcoming flood.

Photo from 2016.  Just came across it and found it cute!

Hubby has been taking overtime lately.  He's been leaving the house at 6:30am and not returning until after midnight.

Image result for coffee meme
(not my photo)

I don't sleep well when he works so much either.  I know we could use the extra cash (new coop, new barn roof, and on and on), but it does mess with my sleep.

Making meals from the freezer and pantry has been a success.  I whipped up a zucchini and swiss chard frittata for a breakfast.

By the way, freezing organic ricotta, cottage cheese, cream cheese and sour cream has been very handy for baked meals.  The texture changes when thawed, but works great for baked recipes.  I will do that again, since I have no access to raw milk of any kind in our area.  By the way, does organic Parmesan cheese freeze well?

I baked some banana bread and we had Bruschetta chicken and Italian roasted cauliflower for dinner - YUM!  I made homemade balsamic drizzle for it too.  Aside from not finding fresh basil (my indoor plant didn't have enough), it was amazing.

Here is a photo of the book I borrowed from the library.  It contains the heart cross stitch pattern I used on my kitchen towel.

I think I will do this.  It will inspire me to read more.  Does "blueberry" count as a "color" in a book title?  I'm gonna say yes.  I have a book to finish.

Do not start a new project.

Do not start a new project.

Starts new project.😆


  1. Where I live in NE Ohio, the big chain store in my area sells fresh potted Basil, (Organic). I had a plant growing well into the late fall, and then it got leggy due to low light. I may pick up another one.

  2. Faith, I need to grow my indoor pot much earlier in the season. Lack of light and colder house just doesn't work for it right now. I love fresh basil though.

  3. I grow most of my culinary herbs indoor during winter. I love using fresh herbs, but dehydrate plenty also. I'll makes basil pesto in advance and freeze it in ice cube trays. 1 cube makes 1 serving. I'll start my outdoor herbs in February to have a good start for planting and harvesting.

    Kristina, yes. Parmesan cheese freezes well. Especially if you grate it first.

  4. I love the reading schedule. Problem is, my eyes aren't so good. Seeing the eye dr on the 27th to see what's going on. I have been working on my great niece's quilt though. I just hold it up close to my face when working on it, and one thing good is, it keeps my legs warm when I'm working on it. LOL
    And boy, does that frittata look good. But I've already planned cheese enchiladas for dinner. I LOVE enchiladas.
    Praying everyone has a great weekend, and a safe one too. Suppose to be in the high 60s, low 70s Saturday and Sunday... in January... go figure. smh
    God bless.

  5. I was not aware that you could freeze those cheeses. I have found that zucchini gets very soggy after it is frozen.

  6. RB, you could listen to books on CD. Have a great weekend too.

  7. Carol, zucchini is definitely not crunchy when frozen, but works great for baked dishes.


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