Sunday, January 12, 2020

Pumpkin Puree Recipes ~ January Reading Challenge ~ A Finish

Friday I started my morning by paying bills, doing laundry and posting items up for sale on my Rooster's Crow Farm (handiwork) blog.

Our weekend weather was not just wacky, it was insane.  We had 60 degree weather Saturday with pouring down rain, and thunderstorms, and today we woke up to "feels like 23°F" and snowing.

I used some frozen garden pumpkin puree to make dog treats for Romeo.  I'll use more for pumpkin soup, pumpkin hummus, pumpkin pancakes or waffles, pumpkin BBQ sauce and pumpkin/sage macaroni (using Jovial Einkorn noodles).  What else do you use your pumpkin puree for?  Besides pumpkin bread or a dessert?

Homemade bruschetta, using the leftover mix from the chicken dinner.  By the way, I bought a new basil plant now, so we will have plenty next time I need fresh basil.  Yum!

My new kitchen shelving arrived.  I am replacing a wooden stand with metal and on wheels.  I can easily move it to sweep and mop under it now, and have extra space for baking dishes I use, but not daily. So happy to be organized again.  I "shopped" from home, and used a valance that came with my new curtains a year ago, and used metal clips to attach it around the top shelf of the unit.  I love it!

We have an old farm house, with very few cupboards.  The person who put in used cupboards prior to us, put in mostly drawers.  I hate them, but until we can afford a total kitchen renovation, this works.  

New shower curtain!  I love it!  My older "frilly" farmhouse style one got splattered with blue hair dye (thanks to our daughter).  I have instructed her to remove this one, and put up the old one when dying her hair (rolling my eyes).

I had started this book a while ago, and am picking it for Jan. reading challenge. 

Blackberry counts for a color, right?  Not sure what I'll read in Feb. if I can keep up with this challenge.  I'll admit, I'm inspired to shop the thrift store for books now.  However, when one is added, one must go too. "Fantasy" is not my thing either, so I'll read a non-fiction book for August.

Finished this XL hot pad.  I had requests for them.  They fit 9 x 13 pans perfectly.  Works great for baking sheets too.  I guess you can count this as a completed UFO.  I started it during the craft show in December and forgot about it until I was asked if I had any made.


  1. We had about the same weather just no snow but it also went from 60's to 27 this morning! I used to make my girls (canines) the pumpkin dog treats...they loved them. I really enjoy Joanna Fluke's books. Love your XL hotpads! Have a great day and stay warm!

  2. Thanks Sam I Am, Romeo's treats were pumpkin and peanut butter. He loves them.

  3. Very interesting reading list for the year. I'm with you in that I don't like "fantasy" books either.

    I substitute my home preserved pumpkin for any recipe that calls for squash and it works fine. Or vice versa!

  4. Love the photo of Romeo and the treats!!! I just now (like they are still warm) made Oatmeal Pumpkin Muffins for the guys. The only flour is our own whole wheat and they are a favorite around here. I converted the recipe to a breakfast cookie by reducing the liquid and also exchanged the sugar for honey. I used to sell the cookies at the farmer's market to help promote flour sales. I just don't have the time to bake for the market anymore (not that I really did have time actually) so I no longer have a Cottage Food License which is a requirement in Minnesota. Might do so again some day though.

  5. Mama Pea, thanks for that tip. I didn't even think of that.

  6. Debby, I used to sell jams and jellies at the Farmer's Market, but not anymore. Too much work, expensive to make (using organic ingredients), and little profit. Our soap sold the best though.

  7. Our weather seems much like yours. I love your shower curtain!

  8. Thanks Carol, our bathroom is painted a light blue, so it looks great!

  9. e have been inundated with storms with 75mph winds but no snow thankfully. I love shopping the cottage for a new look.

  10. mamasmercantile, it's a nice feeling not to spend money to do it too, right? Hope your winds die down.


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