Monday, January 13, 2020

Omelets and Soup Beans

Due to the insane weather, the field across the street flooded, then froze.  Roads were a bit slick Sunday morning.

The wood stove was started back up and going strong, bringing warmth back into our home.

The new dishwasher installed (given to us by a friend), and homemade sausage was made.  It was too much of a mess outside to cut wood.

Hubby spoiled us with his famous omelets on Sunday morning.  Oh my gosh, they are so good.

I made a crock pot of soup beans.  We have one ham bone left in the freezer now.

Our 20 year-old daughter surprised us with a visit yesterday.  Of course she came with not one, but two laundry baskets full of laundry and bedding to wash.  We had a good visit though.

Not much going on here at the homestead in winter.  We have made no plans for a anniversary getaway either.  


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