Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Egg Laying ~ How to Half a Recipe Chart

Something I've learned baking with coconut flour - it requires a lot more eggs than Einkorn or organic all purpose flour.  Eggs of which are not getting laid by the chickens right now.  Hmpf.  I guess they are all on strike again.

I printed this helpful chart and pinned it on the cork that I glued inside a kitchen cupboard.  Sharing in case it could help others.

Do you follow MRH (Mountain Rose Herbs) blog?  They have a syrup recipe for the "blues" and it can be put on pancakes/waffles.  Hubby can't have honey, but we can.  If I can find hawthorn berries, I'll try it.

No, we didn't get wood cut last night.  I was dressed and ready to go out as Hubby walked in the door.  He said, "it's raining out."  Yeah, no wood was cut.

One of my simple pleasures. . .
Holding and reading a book.  I forgot how pleasant this feels.  I just put if off due to other "busyness."  I'll continue to work harder and keeping up with clutter, cleaning etc. so I can continue to keep this in my life.


  1. Thamks for the 1/2 recipe printout. I have all kinds of things like that on the inside of my cupboard doors but I don't have that one!
    I have bought from Mountain Rose Herbs before but I don't follow their blog...maybe I should. enjoy your books and yes,keep on cleaning and you can see, I don't get a lot done with other chored that have to be attended to but I do make some progress.

  2. Good Morning Early Bird, Mountain Rose Herb, yes I've ordered from them before, I like the essential oils. I still like to read a book or magazine. There is something about holding it in your hands, turning the pages, feeling the paper. Clean on Sister! What else we've to do in Ohio at the moment, they are predicting clouds/rain again, we're on day 6 with no Mr. Sunshine.

  3. I find that it makes me happy to read a book in my hands. I know many have gone to Kindles, but I enjoy reading a true book. These charts could be handy in my kitchen as well.

  4. Faith you are right about Ohio. So dark and dreary yesterday, and no sign of a let up soon.

  5. Carol, I love a real book. I can't read books on electronics. It bothers my eyes for some reason.

  6. What a great chart Kristina, thanks! I'll have to see if I can find the Mountain Rose Herbs blog. I have some potted hawthorn bushes I'm going to transplant soon, in hopes of growing my own hawthorn berries. Thanks for the heads up!

  7. Leigh, that's great you an grow them. I haven't even checked to see if they are sold (plants) here in our area or can even grow here.

  8. I am with you about books...nothing beats holding a good book.


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