Thursday, January 30, 2020

Breakfast Plate ~ Overcast ~ Cleaning ~ Parsley Planted ~ Muffins and a Frittata

On the breakfast plate this morning - coconut waffles with homemade blueberry syrup, and organic sausage patties.

We've been hankering waffles lately, so in trying to stick to low carb, I looked up a few recipes using coconut flour and/or almond flour.  Minus the mini-chocolate chips.  Minus any sugar or sweetener.

The only thing missing?  A side of scrambled eggs.

It's been so dark here lately.  Lights on, candles are burning, and I keep cleaning to keep moving.  I can't remember a time that the darkness latest this long here.

Speaking of Overcast, I will be sharing a set of pot holders soon.  Crocheted in "overcast" color.  

Here is photo of the yarn color. The person who asked me to make them, doesn't want them now.  I just have to go back to pick them up, and have them up for sale soon.  It also cost me more to buy this particular color too.  I am just frustrated that I could have been working on something else with pay vs. no pay.  Anyway, I will retrieve them soon.

I spent another hour in the utility room - seeds are organized, same with canning jars, and tossed some things.

I shopped from the garage.  Found an under-the-shelf storage basket and now have a place for our work gloves.  It was a bit mangled, but I bent it back into shape and that's organized now.  The basket at the door was full of hats and headbands for working outside.  That room is about 80% done now.

One tote has left the garage as well, and off the homestead.  More will be leaving soon.  I few items also left the closet.

I found some parsley seeds, and although not the best time to plant indoor, I did.  We'll see what happens.

I'm doing well at balancing the day with a bit of this and that now.  I even baked us strawberry muffins.

And a frittata, because the waffles didn't last long.


  1. Yep! That's the color to a T. I didn't realize it was that long of a spell. It was supposed to be somewhat sunny today. It's still dark so we'll see. Soon it will be groundhog day... Hope you/we get some sun today.

  2. I might just come to your house for breakfast this morning. It looks delicious!

  3. I would get your money "upfront" or at least some of it on the special orders! I too like to balance my day with various activities that way things don't fall between the cracks and I feel more productive.
    Are those other flours low carb? Is that why I see people using them? Like Einkorn? Also, I hear people using ghee which is clarified butter but I don't know why they are using it as opposed to regular butter, do you?
    Your breakfasts always look so yummy especially your frittatas. HAve another great day!

  4. Faith, that would be great if we got some sun.

  5. Sam I Am, coconut flour is low carb and less fat that almond flour, but we are not doing "Keto" like many people. Keto diet people add ghee for more fat in their diet. It's tough to find a low carb meal that isn't packed with fat.

  6. I would love to join you for breakfast, it looks delicious. I smiled at you shopping the garage, I shop our cottage a lot when I want to refresh a room.

  7. mamasmercantile, it worked out great too. Now the gloves are in one place.

  8. What a lousy thing to do - to request a special order then refuse it. Knowing the quality of your work, it will sell quickly, but, still. Those waffles sound delicious. Are they made totally without wheat flour? I haven't had a waffle in years, since having to go gluten free. I have to say that we have had more than the usual number of grey, cloudy days this winter, too. It can really take the starch out of you.

  9. Susan, the waffles are made with coconut flour. I added a extra water to thin it to pour. One batch makes only 2 Belgian waffles. I used 4 eggs vs. 6 too. Here is the recipe I did not add any sugar or sweetener either, since we topped them with homemade blueberry syrup.

  10. that breakfast sure does look good! I too think that when someone orders something special they should take it - I would not keep them on my list for special orders.... they take what you have and that's that or nothing at all.

  11. Luludou, yep. Same person ordered the violet ones and those are now up for sale.


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