Friday, December 27, 2019

The Purge Begins ~ Random Tidbits

Increasing the numbers.  So happy about this.

Yesterday, I was sort slipping into "oh poor me" mode.  Youngest got up, ate and left immediately, leaving all the holiday dishes to me (and there were a ton of them).  I didn't feel I should be doing so much work on a day I should have been celebrating, but Hubby worked as well.  Anyway, I worked myself through the dishes, and the laundry, and got busy.

Keeping to my word, I purged the Halloween totes.  All costumes (hand made by my mother) are going to the grand kids.  Woohoo to that.  One full tote leaving the garage.

By the way, my new planner has been so helpful.  There is a section to write in my monthly goals!  Woot!  I can use it to plan daughter's grad party too.

The weather has been so warm, I've been enjoying hanging the laundry outside vs. racks in the house.  It's so warm, one could go camping right now.  Literally.

Also, keeping to my word on handmade gifts finished before March, I started on those too.  I'm keeping a list of what's made in my "Christmas" binder, and where I stored them (just in case, ha ha!).

Feeling so good at moving on and into a new year of many possibilities, I updated my blog header yesterday.  Feeling a bit optimistic.


  1. That's what's nice about a new year and a fresh start! I love your puppy picture...he is so cute! Yes, purging! I took a load to the Salvation Army when I went to Mountain Home and I plan on making more trips.
    The gift list and where you stored them is a great idea. I'm always finding them after the fact. HAve a great week of planning and productivity.

  2. Thanks Sam I Am, I actually found a gift I bought way early for one daughter. I texted her and told her I had one more gift lol!

  3. You're a good example in that you are getting a jump start on more organization in the new year even before the new year begins! Your youngest graduates high school this year which will begin another new phase of your life. Always changes, changes. Sometimes anniversary dates, birthdays, etc. get pushed aside because of everyday life. Hope you and your hubby can plan something special to celebrate in the not too distant future!

  4. Thanks Mama Pea, I sure hope we can steal some time away in the next month hopefully.

  5. Good for you on the purging- it can be so difficult, especially with kids' stuff. I've had to continually tell myself "I'm not a storage unit. I'm not a storage unit. I'm not..."
    Hanging laundry outside! It was flittering snow here this morning.
    Have a beautiful day.

  6. I'm so glad you're feeling optimistic and moving forward! I have lots of goals for 2020 and I can really say I'm happy to leave 2019 behind. I love the new Blogger header!!

  7. Lady Locust, I keep saying the same thing about "storage unit" and I have yet to clean out the garage where there is a ton of kids stuff that must go.

  8. Thanks Rain. As much as I hated to take the photo of Jesse down, I did. Time to move on and continue to pray.

  9. Am spending time catching up on some of your posts, Kristina, and am glad to see that you are enjoying the planner. Question: What does UFO stand for when talking about craft projects? I'm guessing "un finished" something? Blessings, my friend! You're an inspiration!!! :)

  10. Rebecca it stands for unfinished objects, but I think it should be UFP for unfinished projects.


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