Thursday, December 26, 2019

Random Tidbits ~ Holiday Burn Out ~ Power Outage Prep (camping lantern)

I made a few Christmas goodies and delivered some to Dad, and then to Mom.  Sadly, Dad was not out of bed yet, so I didn't get to see him (it was 11:35am).  Mom was tickled pink.  She wasn't home, but we left it at her door.

First time to opt for biscuits for Christmas vs. rolls.

Christmas was nice with 3 (of our 6) kids and the grand kids.  However, I won't be cooking on Christmas day next year. I just felt like that is all I did on the holidays this year - cook and do dishes.  I'll be tweaking the schedule next year for sure.  Although, I do love waking up Christmas morning with an overnight casserole already made and just needs to be baked in the morning (which we did this year, along with sunrise mimosas).

Romeo had fun opening his presents - his first Christmas.  We were smart enough to not put the presents under the tree until Christmas morning, and we made sure he had his own to un-wrap while his Momma was opening her own.  He's got a stuffed latte that has a squeaker in it.  

Hubby and I plan  to celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary later, as he had to work today.  It's just me and one daughter.  Trust me, there is much to clean up today from Christmas.  At least I have extra help today, and I don't have to cook tonight (lots of leftovers).

New camping, hand wind lamp for us.  It not only has a lamp, but a flashlight at the bottom, a radio, alarm and can charge cell phones.  I just have to figure out how to set the alarm if needed.  We already checked the radio and it works.

Hubby loved his hat, but he won't need it for a few weeks.  Yesterday it got up to 55°F and today they say we'll hit 60°F.  Very strange weather this December, but we'll take it.  We need to cut wood.  Feb. is the month we tend to get the most snow.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!


  1. It was 70 here so I went for a walk and sat outside in the sun and knitted. You pie looks pretty. Enjoy your leftovers!

  2. Sam I Am, 70 sounds wonderful. We do have the pie to go with leftovers. Everyone was so full, we didn't have dessert lol!

  3. The fact that 98% of Christmas prep work falls on the woman of the household seems to be a problem that I don't know how to remedy. It's not fair as it sometimes just takes the fun out of the holiday and the stuffin's out of the woman!

    Our temperatures are unseasonably warm, too. Not like yours but we've been above freezing and so much of our snow has melted. This morning it looks and feels like a foggy, gray, dreary spring morning out there. Yuck.

  4. Mama Pea that stinks about your weather. It's sunny here. And so very strangely nice out. Yeah, doing the holiday dishes was no fun this time around.

  5. And how many Christmases did you have? Three? You deserve a break, my dear! Your biscuits are amazingly high and fluffy and that Romeo is sure a cute pup!

  6. Thanks Susan, we have 5 trees out - 2 small pre-lit ones, one med one in the bathroom, one large ceramic one and the main large one.


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