Wednesday, November 20, 2019

This and That

We sold the old truck!  The two guys stopped by again and paid us.  They are coming today to trailer it.

I haven't had much to write about, hence the lack of blog posts.  I'm crafting a lot, and hope to remember to take some photos to share.

Yesterday was a dreary, misty day.  I made hot cranberry punch, which I don't normally do until a holiday.  I better buy up more cranberries while they are in season.

The date has been set for the Thanksgiving with my side of the family.  Now we have one Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Something has to give.  I'm not up to cooking for 3 this year.  I'll have to decide soon.

We need wood cut, but will have to rally up the boys to get it done.  I am still not past my 2 weeks of not lifting etc.

Hopefully, I'll be back with a more interesting post.  I need to get some homemade Christmas gifts made yet.


  1. Just take care of yourself and I am sure if you can't cook for three dinners, that others will understand.

  2. I'm glad you are following orders and waiting to do any heavy lifting. No sense in going backwards, even though I know inactivity drives you crazy. Three Thanksgivings? I can barely manage one. Ours will be very small this year, but I'm looking forward to it.

  3. Dear Kristina, I enjoy reading your blog with my morning coffee. Hope you feel better soon. Miss your posts. Mary Mc


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