Monday, November 18, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Here are the two (not one) stray cats that showed up.  I saw them go into one of our barns.  The only concern is if they are both female.  That's Aurora (our barn cat) in the box on the right eating.  She doesn't seem to mind them and they are definitely hungry and young.  If they stick around, I may have them trapped and checked.  I'm concerned about the fact I've seen them cross the highway more than once.  Not sure if someone dumped them here or they just showed up.  Most likely dumped here.  It's not the first time.

It's not been normal work for me since the leg procedure.  No carrying out a bucket of water to the chickens, no carrying chicken feed, no bringing in an arm load of firewood, no lifting a canner pot etc.  In a few weeks I hope to be back to my normal stuff. I can't carry the laundry basket out to put laundry on the clothesline either. Sigh.  I am using the dryer and folding in the utility room.

The doctor and his two nurses said, "you can do normal stuff" when you go home.  I said, "so no lifting a load of firewood?" and all three turned about and immediately said, "NO!"  You see I'm not a "normal" person, ha ha! Yeah, things are so different when you homestead and are self sufficient.

Oh, and I have to put the spikes on my boots, so I can take the dog out without a yank here and there and fall to the ground on the layer of ice still out there.

The farmers scrambled to get their crops out, and Friday, I watched one farmer spray over his field with the snow over it.  

Good news!  Someone else volunteered to host Christmas on my husband's side of the family. Woo hoo to me!

Today, I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .

32°F this morning, with a sunny high of 47°F.

On the breakfast plate . . .
I made this Sunday.  There are leftovers for today - spicy sausage and hashbrown casserole.

As I look out my window . . .
The sun is trying to shine, but a bit hazy today.

Right now I am . . .
Getting ready to post this.

As I look around my house . . .
One of my kitchen tables is currently my "craft" table.  It'll be that way for a few weeks, but I'll have new items to sell at the craft show.

On the to do list . . .
sweep and mop kitchen
vacuum living room
clean master bath
Make homemade English muffins
Work on crafts for the upcoming show
Stamp brown paper bags for shopping bags for the show

On the menu . . . 
Chicken Pot Pie (didn't get it made last week)
Flounder, home canned corn relish, potatoes
Medicinal pesto pasta, steamed broccoli
Meatballs, quinoa, beets or green beans
Spaghetti, sauteed greens, possibly another veggie

What I'm reading . . .
I got this book free from the library.  I added it to my bookshelf for a winter read.

On the TV . . .
Here's what I've watched while in recovery over the last week and weekend.

-Holiday in the Wild (good)
-Wine Country (funny)
-Otherhood  (good and different)

Hallmark: (all from the library)
Christmas in Evergreen, Letters from Santa
It's Christmas Eve
Christmas in Grand Valley
Broadcasting Christmas
I'll be Home for Christmas

Misc. (from the library:
Grumpy Old Men

What I am creating . . .

Wine cork Christmas trees to sell and lots of stuff.  I'll have a "handiwork" post up to share. I am making new ornaments for the holiday craft show.  I'll have more pictures soon.

New recipe I tried or want to try . . .
Still on the list - homemade chicken pot pie

Favorite photo from the camera .  .  .
This is a framed photo that lights up.  Merry Christmas to us.  The tree lights change colors too.  We just love it.

Prayers . . . 
Update: I have one more appt to go to, to go over the last sonogram, my friend's mother is scheduled to be released from the nursing home Nov. 25th.


  1. Aw, such cute little cats! Hope you are soon 100% healthy and can go back to your normal routines. Love that photo, does it play music as well? There were some in Home Depot a couple of years ago like that. Always kind of wanted one. Hope you have a fantastic week!

  2. Hoping for a swift recovery. Cute cats! I'm watching lots of Christmas movies too and I just love the lighted Christmas picture.
    Medicinal pasta? hummm
    Have a great week

  3. I grew up in a self-sufficient homestead-type world, so I understand completely about being "not normal". I always tell people...I grew up on a commune without the commune. LOL! Wind-generator, solar heat, woodstove, gardens, goats, chickens, canning...the whole nine yards. As a young girl I hated it; as an adult I am soooo thankful! I would not change the skills and education that it provided for anything! Have a great week, my friend! May many blessings be yours! <3

  4. I hope your barn cats stick around. Nothing better to rout out mice and rats. I really dislike people who dump animals. It's cruel.

    I remember after my first stroke I was telling the OT about my self sufficient lifestyle. Teach me how to to hang clothes out on the line, wring out clothes, cook on a rocket or wood stove, chop wood, etc. They looked at me as if I was nuts! They simply said some things I'd have to figure out on my own. Useless!! But they did teach me how to walk again and speak so it wasn't totally useless. Cockeyed Jo

  5. What was wrong with your leg and what did you have done to it? That is hard for you if you can't lift or haul....that's all you do! LOL! Where are all those offspring? You have a lot on your list for a Monday and I always do too. It's for Monday but most of it will trickle throughout the week as my goals always outweigh my available energy! Have a good one but take care!
    I love that light up picture!

  6. I hope your "normal" comes back quickly - normal is such a "relative" word. It must be frustrating for you. What a neat Christmas picture! I hope you get everything accomplished for your upcoming show. Have a GREAT week.

  7. Even when you are down, you're not down! I had to laugh at your description of your normal, as opposed to regular normal. So true! I love that crocheted paw ornament and the wine cork tree is inspired!

  8. That book looks amusing :) And I can't resist a good breakfast casserole - cold cereal and such holds zero appeal for me. Hope you heal quickly and completely!

  9. Thanks Jean, and no it does not play music, just lights up.

  10. Luludou, the medicinal pesto recipe is from Rosemary Gladstar. Basil and Dandelion.

  11. Thanks Rebecca, I would not change a thing either.

  12. J.L Murphey, there are many family members who do think I'm nuts, lol!

  13. Sam I Am, I have varicose veins. I can't remember what they call the procedure, but they used a local, thread a long wire up my entire leg and "glued" off the bad veins. Thanks!

  14. Thanks Susan, my Mom sent me the idea for the cork trees, and I have a LOT of corks to use for them.

  15. That breakfast casserole looks so good!! I love the paw print, so cute!! Love the print!! I have seen those and want to get one. Have a great week!

  16. I need another barn cat or two. If they fit they ship?

    Great crafting going on and I think I will start having you plan my menus.

    Take care of your abnormal leg and lifestyle some people don’t have a clue. “You grow your own food? Why ?!”

  17. I love breakfast casseroles! I hope you have a great week :)


  18. Praying for a speedy recovery. This is my first time here. Nice to meet you.
    I enjoyed reading your HHM post! I'll be back. I posted too. My Journey Back-The Journey Back. Come and see me. Have a wonderful week.

  19. Carrying wood in is a normal activity for me as well, so I understand. I pray that you are feeling better soon, but it sounds as though you are relaxing some.

  20. Goatldi, you made me laugh, yeah some people think we are nuts for growing a garden.

  21. Collettakay, the one in the photo is an overnight one too. I believe I got it from AllRecipes online.

  22. GranthamLynn, thanks for visiting my blog, I'll try and get around to everyone's this week.

  23. Carol, I am getting much handiwork done for sure. Sort of glad, but ready to get back to "normal" again.

  24. Kristina,
    My family (as in my younger adopted brothers and sisters) used to think I was nuts, but as they aged, they are constantly coming to me for advice on how to do things the "pioneer" way). They're following my example now. My little (by blood) sister had the benefits of grandmother's and mother's knee stories and journals. Funny how that happens.


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