Monday, October 21, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

I was so tired Thursday morning I just took the day off.  I literally did dishes and made dinner.  Oh and froze more jalapenos. 

Thursday evening it was predicted to reach close to freezing temps in the evening, so I went out to check the garden (because I've not had time to be outside right now with the condition of the inside of my house).  I saw a few green bell peppers and jalapenos, so those will be eaten with meals vs. frozen.

Small, but not wasted either.  Time needs to slow down so I can actually pull the garden and be done with that.

I've been promising biscuits and gravy for days now, so I baked biscuits and made it for dinner, along with scrambled eggs and fried potatoes with onion.

Friday I canned tomato sauce (happy dance).

The weekend was more of a "stay-cation" for us, and well worth doing too. 

(that wasn't even all of the bikes)

Saturday we joined up with a biker benefit/memorial ride with some friends.   The ride started out pretty cold, but for a good cause. The ride was local, but about 75 miles of riding.  Money goes to help with the funeral etc. for the student that was hit and died (still haven't found the driver).  Over 100 bikers rode and it was a great way to help someone.

Sunday we took the grand-kids to a pumpkin farm for the day.   We were exhausted by Sunday night, but in a good way.

Both Hubby and I have stuff that needs done, but we had planned this for a few weeks now.  

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .
High of 67°F, rain 80% at 2pm today

On the breakfast plate . . .
Have no idea yet.  Here is what we had for breakfast Sunday morning.
Omelets with steak.  So good.  

As I look outside my window . . .
It's pitch dark.

Right now I am . . .
Still in pajamas, sucking down coffee, hoping for super powers.

As I look around the house . . .
It's still a hot mess.

On the to-do list . . .
-Can more of the tomatoes
-sweep and mop kitchen
-start putting away the front porch items, dead plants etc.
-dinner prep
This is my "weekly" list.  If you have canned with tomato, with a sauce or soup, you know how much time it takes.   I will have to do the laundry around the weather.  I did most of it Sunday before leaving, since it was 71°F and sunny.

On the menu. . .
In no particular order
Chicken enchiladas with homemade enchilada sauce, crock pot fried rice and beans
Hamburger Lentil Soup (crock pot)  Or Chili
Sloppy Joes and sweet potato fries
Bolognese Pasta Bake (a make ahead meal)

I'm probably not going to make all of these this week, as we have lots of leftovers typically.  I guess we'll see what gets made this week.

Currently reading . . .

On the TV . . .
Goliath on Amazon Prime

What I am creating . . .
Another pot holder set in blueberry, and more dish scrubbies.

New recipe I tried or want to try . . .
Bolognese Pasta Bake (a make ahead meal)

From the camera. . .

Prayer list. . .
Myself (leg), our daughter and great niece who both lost babies, a friend's mother, and other personal requests


  1. Sunday morning's breakfast looks delicious! I may have to start eating before I do my blog surfing - the biscuits and gravy sound great too! :D

  2. Mmmmmm...the biscuits look delicious, Kristina! I might just have to make some at some point this week! The tomato sauce looks good, too! Doesn't it feel good? "Canned Sunshine"...that's what I call it! :) It's a shame that they haven't found the driver of the hit and run. I'm praying conviction down upon them to the point of turning themselves in. The pumpkin patch sounds fun! We did a corn maze with some of ours Saturday night. Your menus look great and continual prayers are being offered up before the throne on behalf of your family. Blessings! <3

  3. Thank you Rebecca, it has been a blessing to get the tomatoes.

  4. Those biscuits look so wonderful and so does breakfast! I will remember you in prayer.

  5. Thanks for stopping over Kristina. Always nice to hear from you. I would be interested in knowing how they did come up with the name for that cheesecake. Maybe it had something to do with the refrigerators of the time? Who knows? But it's fun, and it is a really good cheesecake, oh how I love me some cheescake with a hot cup of coffee. Not slenderizing though. Oh bad :) There's always another Monday to start the diet.

    In general, how do you do with your Roosters Crow site? Something which would be of interest to me to do. You make a few things at a time right? You don't carry large inventory and when they are gone, they are gone? You do it "pin money" as they use to say, not to become rich, to cover your supplies?

  6. The biscuit picture stopped me :) - they look absolutely delicious.
    What a nice gesture from the bikers.
    Have a great week

  7. Oooh, wish I had those biscuits to serve with dinner tonight! Have been trying to cut down on carbohydrates but, oh my, those look sooo good!

  8. Well now I want biscuits and omelets! May have to adjust my Wed breakfast meal to accommodate this! Have a great week!!

  9. Faith, I don't sell much with it, but I do well at the craft shows in the fall. I'm typically busy all summer with a garden, so not much get posted on there. I am working to get more on there soon.

  10. Thanks Luludou, and yes, bikers are very generous when it comes to benefit rides

  11. Jodi, thank you ha ha! They were delicious.

  12. Don't know why it didn't occur to me that we could freeze jalapeno peppers, one of the few things we managed to grow in our weed jumbled garden. Your Sunday breakfast looks fantastic. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  13. Thanks Jean, you can also dehydrate them, or dehydrate and grind up for a powder too.

  14. I am sooooo late this week. Please forgive my tardiness. I LOVE all those canning and baking pictures. I freeze peppers too and love how easy it makes cooking in a rush. I hope you had a GREAT week. See you again tomorrow.


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