Thursday, October 17, 2019

Barter ~ This and That

I finally met Hubby's cousin "C" and she bartered with me - tomatoes for me and strawberry margarita jam for her.  She is a hoot too.  We are planning a meet and greet meal soon to meet more family members.  First up?  Tomato sauce.  If I have more after that, tomato soup or crushed tomatoes maybe.  I guess I'll find out when I weigh them.

I also bartered with our 20 year-old daughter.  She came out yesterday to help me do more cleaning and picking up, and she got strawberry margarita jam and lunch. 

Organic grilled cheese sandwiches and organic tomato soup with a dab of organic butter.  I miss my home canned tomato soup. 

We got the living room back in order, some carpets vacuumed, master bath completely cleaned but the shower and tub (it's an overly big bathroom) and wood work still needs wiped down, finished the laundry, picked up stuff in the bedroom (oh my, craft stuff everywhere, which was still everywhere because we ran out of time), and swept and mopped the master bath.  So happy to have her help too.  Romeo loves her visits too.

We got rain, so laundry was put on drying racks yesterday.  It was much cooler too.

I ordered our traditional Christmas Eve pajamas.  I waited too late last year, and paid the price.  I got them at great prices and the colors and styles I wanted.  So glad I remembered.

I had to make a run to the store for vinegar to make another container of homemade lysol wipes, so I stopped at the dollar store and picked up these kitchen towels.  I got a few other fall designs too.  Just $1/ea.

I'm on the hunt for book sales now.  I want to buy 25 books for the grand kids for a countdown.  We'll see if I make it happen.  I have over a month to do that.


  1. Hi Kristina :) Oh gosh those tea towels are so cute! And great bartering!! I fear I'm going to run out of canned tomatoes, and I processed 80 pounds of them in August, we're going through them fast.

  2. Rain, I was tickled pink when she sent me a message and then showed up delivering them too.

  3. Kristina, please check your messages. YOU are the winner of my giveaway! Congratulations! <3

  4. Not that your bartering partner won't enjoy what she got out of the deal, but all those lovely tomatoes for you! Bring on the canned tomato products . . . wha-hoo!

    Great shopping at the dollar store. Cute towels, for sure.

    P.S. I'd work for lunch at your house any day!

  5. Mama Pea, I was tickled pink about the tomatoes and she delivered them too. She isn't that close to us either. Had to laugh about cleaning for me. I'd love the help lol!

  6. Oh thank you Rebecca! I just sent you my info


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