Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

If you saw yesterday's post, I was up pretty early. I had to laugh when daughter came downstairs, and actually put her pup in the kennel.  She said, "he's been out but wake me up at 8am."

Of course I let him out, fed him and loved on him until 8am.  We needed to kennel him to go to the school and do the "school" thing, which was a good half hour drive just to get there.  Poor pup.  I so wanted to take him with us.

The school stuff messed up my day at home.  Add to that a trip to Michael's and the Dollar Tree.  My last yarn order came with half missing.  I had to see if I could pick up at least one ball of black.  I emailed about the missing items, but haven't heard back yet.  

We also had to stop at my Mom's house.  She wanted milkweed plants so I pulled some from my flower bed and dropped those off.

It was almost a perfect day to weed.  It drizzled all morning long. but by the time we were back home, there was no time.  It was also hot again.


  1. Does your mom do something special with the milkweed plants? They are good for pollinators arn't they?

  2. Faith, yes, and the butterflies love them. She plants them by her shed. I get so many of them in my flower beds since we live in the country and things fly.


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