Saturday, July 20, 2019

Beating the Heat

We woke up to almost 80°F at 5:30am yesterday.  Yeah, it started out hot, and continued.  I could only hope we got more rain.  We hit a high of 106°F heat index yesterday.  

Woke up to the sweet sound of rain early this morning.  It'll be hotter today than yesterday, so I'm sure I'll be taking crushed ice to the chickens.

I got another bracelet done (requested colors).  Seven more to make yet.  I actually got 10 orders.  They are turning out so nicely too, but I'll be raising the price.  It's a good way to use indoor time, but the bathroom needed cleaned too.  Youngest was home, so she helps count the 196 beads for me, and helps string them.  I may need to raise the price after these 7 are all done.  I hope to get some made this summer for the fall holiday show I do.  I think they would sell very well.  So glad I tried the art of crocheting with beads.  

Carpet shampooing will happen after this humidity leaves though.  The dehumidifier is going strong, and I have to empty it several times a day right now.

We are invited to a family breakfast, and they are super picky eaters.  They won't eat onions, bell peppers, jalapenos - nothing but plain stuff.   I had no idea what to take, until I remembered my very old homemade cinnamon rolls.  Then again, they take walnuts.  Wasn't sure if anyone didn't like walnuts, so I asked first.   Next time, I'll take overnight blueberry french toast (if I can find my recipe). Photos to come soon.

I also dug around for a recipe for the crock pot using chicken.  I did NOT want to leave the house in this heat, so I used homemade ranch dressing (dry mix) to make crock pot "crack" chicken casserole.  Thankfully, I had frozen peas and bacon in the freezer.  It was good too.  Easy and delicious.

I infused nettle tea for the both of us, but Hubby needed it the most.  He came home from work feeling very sickly from the heat.


  1. You are a good momma to you your sweet yard birds. Oh this weather, it's for the birds.
    It is thundering here and all dark, with some rain but today's high 96 Really? It's soupy and thick out there. Not a fan of this stuff either. Stay cool and bracelet on. You must have eyes to string all those itty bitty beads.

  2. The bracelets look pretty! I'd been meaning to ask, do the chickens eat the crushed ice or do they wait for it to melt?

  3. Faith, I do have to use readers to string all those beads.

  4. Rain, thanks. The bracelets were requested colors. As for the chickens they eat the crushed ice and tuck some in their feathers to cool off.

    1. Oh boy, poor things. I’m glad you are so thoughtful of those chickens’ needs

  5. Mary, most times they are fine, but in this extreme heat they do need extra help.

  6. Maybe should be "beading" the heat. Those are quite pretty. Chickens are ever-so creative aren't they until "the" end.

  7. Thanks Mother Em, I'll be making more bracelets for the fall craft show we do.

  8. Hot here too, over 95 with a heat index of 105-110. whew Got all the window A/Cs going full steam most of the time. Thought the electric bill would be sky high, but thankfully, it wasn't. All the crops down here with the exception of tobacco is burning up in the fields. Between the over-abundance of rain we got this spring and now this, I feel for the farmers. Some had planting done, and the rain literally rotted the crops in the fields, now this. It's a tricky game we play with Mother Nature.
    Feeling better each day, though I do have good days and bad ones, the bad ones are less often. Praise God!!!
    Prayers everyone has a great week ahead. Prayers everyone remembers not to leave a human or an animal in a vehicle.
    God bless.

  9. RB, the electric bill I just got wasn't too bad, but the next one will be. Glad you are feeling better.


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