Sunday, June 16, 2019

Strawberry Margarita Jam

Saturday the rain  came back again with a vengeance.  I forgot one item at the grocery store - limes.  I had planned on canning jam first thing, but had to go back to the store first.

However, on Friday, I picked up a flat of locally grown strawberries.  Hubby got his cold strawberry pie for Father's Day, and I got some to can jam. 
I made strawberry margarita jam for the first time. I did an immediate taste test -  super sweet but very good.  Just a dab ol' do ya'. The recipe is in Better Homes and Gardens Special Interest Publication:  Canning, preserving, and freezing and drying (Sept. 2013).  The recipe is also online.  

With all the rain coming, we forfeited the last of the sweet potato slips.   I hate to do that, but it's a weather crisis, and I don't want to spend the extra cash on buckets and a truck load of dirt.  Did you know organic soil for vegetables is $6.77/bag (2 cu. ft.)?  I am hanging onto about 6-7 to plant if I can, but that's all the tilled space I have, and we are running out of time.  They take much more time than regular potatoes.

We are getting more rain today.


  1. I'm still keeping an eye out for the local strawberries! Your jam looks great, I want to make a bunch for next year.

  2. Rain, I bought from another source this year due to too much rain. My first source doesn't even have any and they are well known for their strawberries.

  3. I made my first batch last week. My goodness the rain is just never ending not much of a Summer is it?

  4. mamasmercantile, it's been a terrible year in our area this year.

  5. Strawberries are late here this year. That margarita jam sure looks good! Have a great week


  6. Sorry about the rain Kristina - absolutely nothing can be done about it! Do people commonly use high tunnels for growing in your area? Most of the people I know who grow for market use them here and get beautiful produce. Spendy yes, but for someone such as yourself who spends a lot for organic produce anyway, maybe worth the investment.

    Anyway, I hope that you have a fine day despite the rain!!!

  7. Debby, I purchased grow bags this year to try out. I may be doing the entire garden that way next year. I'd consider moving south if this happens again next year. We had plans to build a raised, waist high bed for the strawberries this year, but Hubby's working every day 10 to 12 hour days.


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