Monday, June 17, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
My kitchen has been pretty busy lately.   Hubby had to work 10 hours on Saturday and 12 hours on Father's Day, so his "dinner" was made Saturday night for him.  The kids seriously need to learn to cook.  

I made homemade biscuits and sausage gravy, scrambled eggs and fried potatoes.  English muffins on the side with home canned strawberry margarita jam.  Already sold 2 jars of the jam too, although selling any more is halted.  The rain is halting u-pick farms from operating.  Unless I can get another flat of strawberries, the remaining will be for just us.

I also made whiskey butterscotch sauce and a half batch of flourless brownies - Family Circle, recipe is also online (we still have strawberry pie to eat).  I was in my pj's by 5pm.  I was just whipped from canning, baking and cooking.

The weather outside is . . .
(view off the porch on Sunday)

Foggy, 61°F, humidity 91%, dreary, cloudy, and only a 25% chance of rain today.

On my reading pile . . .

Movies or shows I watched over the weekend . . .

On the menu for this week . . .
Tequila-Lime and onion sandwiches, fireball grilled pineapple
Pulled pork sandwiches, steamed broccoli and corn on the cob
Pesto pasta, beets
Fried chicken, mac n' cheese, mashed tades
Flourless brownies, whiskey butterscotch sauce
Make pie crust crumbles for the freezer

On the to-do list . . .
Master bath
Sweep and mop kitchen
Can more reduced sugar strawberry jam
Freeze strawberries
Muck coop
Scrub chicken's watering unit
Cut garlic scapes (hoping for some Garlic scape-Radish Spread soon)
Trip to the library
Make Doc appt. for Youngest (school required vaccine - ugh)

What I am creating . . .
Christmas ornaments, embroidered towel, scrubbies, a knitted dishcloth and more.  More photos to come soon.

Looking forward to . . . 
A dry day and a long motorcycle ride.  A camping trip.  An island trip.  

Looking around the house . . .
I have drying racks everywhere.  Darn rain.

From the camera . . .

I canned more strawberry jam - reduced sugar. Definitely not my favorite jam to can - so much chopping and crushing involved.

One of my simple pleasures . . .
Camping.  Another one of our "sanity savers" and we haven't had one trip this year due to Hubby's long work hours and heavy rainfall.

Prayers . . .
Our entire state, where rain has devastated growing season, personal requests


  1. Do you live in OH? Oh my the rain we've had here. It hasn't rained for a few hours here now, air is heavy with moisture, it's cloudy. When the sun does come out, it will won't it? :) It will really be humid. I can't remember a time when we've had so much rain. About your do you get them to be so tall and layery?

  2. You sure are a busybee! It must smell soooo nice in your house with all that cooking going on. You have a great menu for the week too. Have a great week

  3. Faith, we do live in Ohio, and it's the most horribly wet year ever. I hand cut the butter into the flour for the biscuits. I'll see if I can locate the recipe for you.

  4. Luludou, my husband had to work every day this week, so with the rain here, I land in the kitchen most days.

  5. Mmmmmm...biscuits and sausage gravy! Just thinking about it makes me hungry! And, despite all the work involved, the strawberry jam looks delicious! I'd take that on one of those biscuits any day! :D Blessings for a great week ahead! <3

  6. Thank you Rebecca, we love breakfast for dinner too.

  7. Hope you get a break soon from the rain, to go camping, and things improve in general. Strawberry margarita jam sounds wonderful. Hope this week is a great one for you!

  8. Strawberry Margarita Jam sounds fun! Sounds like you're staying really busy in the kitchen. Have a GREAT week.

  9. My goodness those are long hours your hubby is working. You are a busy bee too never stopping. Hope there is a break in the weather for you, so that you manage to get on with your garden. Those biscuits look amazing.

  10. Thanks Jean, we sure hope the rain stops soon.

  11. mamasmercantile, we are so ready for these long work hours to end. It's been so hard on him, and he's so tired after work.

  12. Mmmmm all those food pics at the beginning.. yum! I am hoping to get some stawberries to make some jam, but like you... too much rain! Have a great week!

  13. Thanks Jodi, I'm going to make an attempt to get more strawberries this week.

  14. Girl, your margarita jam and your whiskey butterscotch sauce has me over here drooling. Good gravy those sound fantastic.

    The rain is relentless isn't it? We've thankfully had a little break in bad weather but that doesn't ever last too long.

    Hope you have a blessed week :)

  15. Sandra, ha ha! The jam is very good! So is the sauce. Yeah, the rain is pretty bad here. I am trying my best to keep up weeding the herb garden when I can, but rain just keeps coming.

  16. My you sound busy. I have been enjoying my books a lot recently with it raining so much. My husband would love it if I would bake as much as you do. I just usually do not find the time or energy to do those things.

  17. Carol, I'm whipped most days, but today I'm just down from the rain too.


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