Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Teabag Tidbits

Just a little teabag quote for the day.

Started a jar of comfrey infused oil.  I haven't decided yet, but I'll either use this as an oil or make a salve, to topically treat my varicose veins.

Made a breakfast scramble with collards, jalapeno and bacon.  Of course eggs, potatoes and green bell peppers as well.  I felt bad Hubby had no breakfast nor lunch to pack on Monday.  We grilled out Sunday night, and had been busy outdoor Sunday morning.

Baked Bourbon Blueberry Banana bread.  Snacks for the next day or two.

You know when the weather really is wacky, when you have this much asparagus, and no snap peas to go with it (when I normally do).  Peas aren't even planted sadly.  I roast the asparagus with rosemary and olive oil.

Today is our youngest daughter's last day of school. 

Considering our weather the last two years, I've asked Hubby to put building a green house to the top of the to-do list.  I can't survive with out it now.  It's imperative in order for us to eat healthy and stock up for the winter and spring.  The weather is definitely a struggle and I have a bad feeling it will happen more often than not.


  1. That bread looks so good! I love my greenhouse - do it! mine is a big asset - you will love it!

  2. I agree with your greenhouse comment. I feel the same way. Years ago I designed a hoop house to extend our growing season. I love it-thank goodness my husband is able to interrupt what I have in mind when I designed it. Can’t wait to hear how you build yours.

  3. The bread looks so tasty, yum! We are in the process of transforming an old garage into a indooor garden. The winds here can be quite damaging so we are hoping this will enable us to grow more.

  4. Robin, we have a cement floor and block edge to start with - the old barn. I'm hoping Hubby is up for it.


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