Thursday, May 23, 2019

Homemade Bug Spray and Rain Updates

Wed. morning we attended our youngest daughter's awards ceremony.  It rained most of the day, so we only got mulch on one small flower bed.  It was cold, cloudy, and the rain just seems to fall.  It was literally cold enough to start up the woodstove, but I held back, due to the upcoming weather.

Thursday, I planted more flowers while it rained.   I toted 54 of my tomato plants out to the garden, and planted those in the rain until the rain was too much.   I got about half of them planted, then went to the front porch.  I leaned over the edge and got the front beds finished weeded.  Dropped my zinnia seeds too, but I have more to plant.  Gladiolus bulbs are now planted too.

Headed back out to the tomatoes, but guess what?  It rained again, and too much to be out planting in it.  I'm gonna have to buy a rain coat to get that job done apparently.

I stayed inside and made a hot cup of mullein/nettle tea.  My sinuses were giving me issues with all this rain and spring allergies.

I also made homemade bug spray.  The recipe is from Mountain Rose Herbs blog, and it works.  It was originally called "Bug away spray" but now you can google it as "No Skeeter Spritz" spray.   If you click on the link above (goes to my blogpost on when I first made it), the link to the original recipe does not work.

The ingredients in their newly posted recipe are almost the same, they must of just changed the name of it, and added one essential oil - cedarwood (in place of citronella oil).  

You will need to make a catnip tincture (also called extract) first (which requires fresh or dried catnip and alcohol).  Start that now, so you can make your spray and start using it.  You can also find instructions on how to make a tincture on the MRH blog as well.  

You will need organic essential oils to complete the spray.  If you don't have wild growing catnip, you can also find seeds to plant at Strictly Medicinal Seeds.  The tincture can also be beneficial to help with insomnia and upset stomach.

Here is the original recipe I have used, so you have both options.

Bug Away Spray

4 oz. catnip tincture (I used vodka to make mine)
4 oz. witch hazel extract
80 drops organic citronella essential oil
80 drops organic eucalyptus essential oil
40 drops organic lavender essential oil
20 drops organic rosemary essential oil
10 drops organic lemongrass essential oil
10 drops organic lemon essential oil

Mix all ingredients, pour into a spray bottle.  Shake before using.  I do find I have to re-apply often, especially if it's hot out and I'm sweating a lot.  


  1. Thank you so much for that recipe Kristina, I HATE using DEET...I feel like I'm slowly poisoning myself, but the black flies here are just so bad in the early summer that I feel desperate!

  2. You are welcome. I've tried many recipes and this one works for me. I take it hiking, camping too.

  3. Here's hoping for some brighter weather, rain is certainly an issue when trying to plant out the garden.


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